Prodigal Son 2
By Steve
- 452 reads
Who are you?
Jezebel, the most beautiful woman in Jerusalem.
What are you doing all alone? I always thought beautiful women had entourages.
I have lost.
What have you lost at?
I have lost at a game. It seems like you have lost at something too.
Can you see through my face?
When I lose at social games, I retreat to the beach. I like to look at the waves as they fall on the shore, one after the other.
What are these social games that you speak of?
Well, if you play the game right, you can gain great wealth, beauty or power. A group of Roman virgins redecorated the Temple of Venus during the night and they were rewarded with eternal beauty and overflowing love.
So how did they win at this game?
They were not supposed to enter the sacred Temple of Venus. They entered anyway and redecorated the Temple so well that the Goddess was pleased and rewarded them.
Can these Gods bring me great wealth?
Yes they can. But you must play their games well.
He looked at Jezebel. Her eyes were like green gems. He could not help but stare at her. He also noticed that her body was slim and curvaceous. The lines never seemed to end...
How much money do you have?
He showed her the money. She didn't even look.
It's enough. I'll show you how to gain great wealth. I was once like you. I ran away from home. Over time, I remade myself in the image of the Romans. My mother always talked about Evil, Evil, Evil, but I tell you, you have to be evil to survive in this world! People will just run you over if you don't conform to their ways.
How do you know so much about the world?
I've seen it all. I started out very poor and naive like you. Soon I realized that I have to face life as it is. Life is unfair, cruel, and meaningless.
In my home, everyone was always full of love. The servants ate with us and they were all content. I never saw anyone frown in my home, but inside of me, a deep sadness grew. After a while, I could not stand the expectant smiles, warm hugs, and the sweet kisses. But I was not poor. My father was very rich.
Your father's riches are nothing compared to the riches of the Romans.
Show me this world!
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