Trisha at Gabriel's Place
By Steve
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[Crime and Punishment][The Brothers Karamazov][The Collected Works of Kim Il Sung][Without Feathers][The Collected Works of Rilke][To Know a Woman]:
Trisha moved on. A poem to Kim Il Sung read: "Beautiful leader, Moses of your people/ guide them to the land of grace..."
Other poems: "I am strutting down the lane/ minding my own business/ I am wondering why my life is taken apart/ I deserve more and more..."
They were really primitive poems. Trisha did not know what to think of Gabriel. He certainly was not a spy. Was this her end? Is this the way the agency announced the fact that they did not need her anymore? Trisha guessed that they had taken him in for questioning.
She searched through every single inch of the apartment. She did not find much at all. He had recently written some letters to his mother asking for money.
She kept on asking herself if this was the end of her career. After all had given the CIA, this was their way of showing their love for her. It was almost funny. She found it a bit difficult to bear. Why did she have to bear this weight anyway?
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