The Butterfly Wings
By Jack Fables
- 99 reads
The Night Fairy went out flying one night to paint beautiful colors to the dreams of all sweetly sleeping little children. It had a bucket full of multi-colored paint and a small little paintbrush in its hands. As it flew about the house it came across five little white moths that were flying happily around the bright burning flame of a candle on the table. They were flying around in circles enjoying themselves, all except one little fellow who was sitting silently to one side almost in tears itself. ‘Why are you crying little white moth?’ asked the Night Fairy, ‘Why are you sitting sulking here all by yourself while your friends are enjoying the light of the candle of the house?’ “Oh, how I wish that I was colorful and bright, and not a drab white old moth,’ said the little fellow in sadness, ‘I wish that I was brightly colored like a splendid peacock, or displaying my multi-colored attire to the whole world like a flower bed of lovely painted daisies. How I wish to be colorful and bright more than anything in the whole world.’ added the little white moth wistfully in silence. ‘Then you shall be,’ said the Night Fairy and took out its brush and tin of brightly colored paint. With a swish and a swash the drab little filthy moth was transformed into a butterfly with the most splendid brightly colored wings of all creatures, great and small. A triumph and a beauty of nature for the whole world to behold as it flew on ever after with the most splendid multi-colored wings of all tiny beings. The most lovely and endearing sight of nature ever after. Some of us were born for more. Dream big because sometimes our deepest wishes do come true. Fly on my tiny butterfly in love and splendor always. And that is how a drab little moth became the most beautiful and colorful flower of all.
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