The Flower Child
By Jack Fables
- 84 reads
There was once a grumpy old man who had a mean temper. Whenever someone said or did something that he didn’t like he would curse and sputter out loud. If the pastor’s sermon didn’t take his fancy he would mutter a curse under his breath as he left the Church. If a politician said something that he disagreed with on the television he would curse the man and mock him for hours on end. Taking great satisfaction at doing so too. If his neighbor displeased him he would go back to his house and bad mouth him all day behind his back. He was just a nasty and mean spirited old man all-in-all that was for sure. Then one day his guardian angel happened along as he was cursing and muttering at other motorists in the heavy traffic as it would not move but was blocked for miles on end in both directions. His foul and mean temper and words did not take the fancy of his precious angel so the angel put a spell on him. Whenever he would mutter or curse in future, flowers would grow everywhere from his mouth, beautifying the whole world as he went blaspheming and cursing along. So from that day forward the grumpy old man would see lovely blooms sprouting from his mouth as he went through life muttering and cursing still. It got so bad after a while that he realized that it was not going to help bad mouthing everyone anymore wherever he went, but that he would have to be sweet and kind to all if he wanted the curse of the flowers to end. From that day forward he only had kind words to say to everyone all about. It was the only way to get the curse of the blooming flowers to stop. A kind word never broke anyone’s mouth. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Everything comes to those who wait. Everything's coming up roses.
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