The Wiseman & The Pauper
By Jack Fables
- 246 reads
A wise man and a commoner once met on a long winding road through the country. They were both headed for their little village high up in the mountains so decided to travel together and keep each other company along the way. The wise man entertained the pauper with all manner of tales and wisdom as they walked. He then told the poor man of a princess who after a long and troubled plight met the prince of her dreams. And how they all lived happily ever after after unknown strife and hardships. The poor man shed a tear at this lovely story of the wise man. ‘Why are you crying?’ asked the sagely old man. ‘Such beautiful fairy tales of love and happy endings always bring tears to my eyes.’ Replied the pauper. Then soon thereafter, they were picked up by the King's men for traveling through his country without the needed papers. They wound up in prison where the poor man just shrugged and laughed at it all, saying to the wise man, ‘There are robbers and murderers that roam around free, but they lock innocent travelers like us up for not having the right paperwork.’ And he just laughed and shook his head. ‘Why do you laugh when we are in such big trouble?’ asked the wise man. ‘It is just all so pointless.’ replied the pauper to the sage. Still shaking his head with a smile. But the King knew the wise man and set them both free when he heard that his men had locked up his old friend without the right documents. “He is an old and trusted advisor and they must both be set free and allowed to continue on their journey immediately. Papers or not.’ Commanded the King. As they walked on further along the road to their home the wise man said to the common man. ‘I think it is better if we both travel alone from now on, my good friend.’ ‘But why oh wise and stately old man? Why do you forsake me this close to our home?’ asked the pauper from the sage. ‘One cannot trust someone who laughs when he is sad. And cries when he is happy.’ said the wise man. ‘It doesn’t pay for an honest man to blow hot and cold.’ he added. They parted company and the commoner left the wise man older but wiser.
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