The Non-Sensical Adventures of Scrump 5
By Thebighand5
- 419 reads
Scrump looked in horror at the giant THING in the sky, the thing mas an extremly large plane that roared towards the skrieking populace. Scrump raored in anger an ripped off the heads of several innocent bystanders, then he ate their brains slowly while the plane crashed into several people's houses which was bad.
lots of poeple died. there was blood everywere.
The plane exploded in a massive explosion which was extremly massive. It was a massive massive MASSIVE explosion, in fact, it was explosionariffic.
Scrump knew he had to stop the world from dying.
So he tooketh up a stoney woney from yon ground a lobbethed it at thys enemy. Tge plane said "How dare you How Dare you! lobbeth yonder stone at my's underside!" Scrump said "Well, I can't exactly turn back time!"
Thouands of millions of crew member dived from the plane as they fell to their firery deaths. Scrump roared with laughter at this horrifying spectable.
'Die, fiends!!' he shrieks, 'By God, your evil servants will fry in their own grease!'
The plane replied 'All the world will perish and will feast on your corpse!!
Scrumps six brothers Scramp, Scrimp, Scromp, Scremp, Scymp and John arrived on the scene brandishing rocket launchers.
scrump's brothers aimed there weapons at the plane. the plane said "you can't kill me, i'm a delivery plane and i will deliver you to hell."
scrump sudenly died of blood loss and fell. the plane laughed. his brothers stared at scrumps corpse and they roasted it on a spit and they shared it equaly.
"Fuck shite arse" said John. "Whats with the swearing?" said scromp.
"Well, I got a bit of a problem"
"Whats tht honey?"
"Well,I woke up this morning and I found my nipples were on my back and my face was on my chest and my back was on my leg"
The plane laughed manically 'You freaks make no scence!!'
'That's cos we're odourless' The six surviving brother cried in unison.
The plane skrieked with laughter then proceeeded to continue its destruction. First it picked up a guy and put him in a jar of marmalade.
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