The Non-Sensical Adventures of Scrump Hexology

The best collection of short storieeeez of all time

The Non-Sensical Adventures of Scrump 3

The police pursued him like a dog chasing a weasel. "Come back here or we'll send you back to the bee hive!" "No!" Screamed Scrump "Don't make me go back there, my skin is already MESSED UP!"

The Non-Sensical Adventures of Scrump 4

Scrump knew that his days were numbered, As he 'sweated it out' in a pollice interrogation room, he relised that he was too non-swensical to remain amoung the ordinary folk.

The Non-Sensical Adventures of Scrump 6

'Ha ha ha ha ha haaaa!' Came the noise as the plane shrieked with glee. The man moaned as he tried to escape his marmalade-y death that was threatening to consume him.

THE RETURN of Scrump

“Well... I’m afraid to say it’s been long long time since that day when I feverishly devoured my brothers” Scrump scrimped as doctor then! listened...