The 65p Club. Part One.
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 498 reads
I am the Founder and CEO of the exclusive 65p Club. This is the story of how it all began. Last year I was skint, and that made me sad. There were a few things that still gave me pleasure and was able to make me smile and laugh out loud and that was watching Jim Parsons in The Big Bang Theory. It was a bit of escapism and as I watched him every day on my TV I started to think to myself it would be fantastic if I could spend the day with this man, it would either ‘cure’ me or put me off the programme for life!
I remember a work colleague telling me he had wondered what Jim Parsons was like or was there any similarities to his character Sheldon Cooper, Martyn had said to me, “Where does Jim Parsons start and end....?” Martyn had told me he had seen him in, Who Do You Think You Are and he said I should watch it as it was, “Good” I did watch it on YouTube and indeed it was “Good.”
The thought of meeting Jim Parsons didn’t go away but I thought, “How can I possibly meet him, for I am unknown and not rich, so no hope in hell then! But twelve months before my birthday I had an idea, I had nothing to lose I decided to write to him and asked him if he would spend the whole day with me on my birthday going to places that I wanted to visit and doing things that I had always wanted to do but would never, ever get the chance to do! I know and you know too there are fantastic charities that send poorly children around the world to places like Disneyland so they can have their dreams come true before they pass away or it is arranged for them to meet someone special to them, like a pop singer or footballer ... well I am not a child nor am I poorly, but it was a dream that I had, and like I said, I had nothing to lose. I had also added that HE would foot the bill of that day and I would contribute, so as I could never ever afford him I would give him a fee of 65p! The amount was sort of a joke for what would be too much, for I couldn’t buy him and what would be too little, so that’s how I came to that amount, for 65p was all I had to my name at that time and on that day!!
Now I know this all sounds like pie in the sky, impossible, but if you don’t ask, you don’t get!!! If you don’t try, how will you ever know, if you would succeed or not? I had included my birth date and how old I would be and the two places I wanted to go in the world. I wanted to go to Malta this is somewhere I have always wanted to go and I wanted to go to a Hillsong concert in Australia where Hillsongs hold their fabulous events, I had done my research and I had found out that it was the big one, Hillsongs 20th Anniversary Celebrations and all the big names would be there singing their hit songs, it was a once-in-a-life-time opportunity for Artists taking part would be singing their hit songs, below is some of them:-
Liz Vice singing Truly Today.
Tim Hughes singing Almighty God.
Kari Jobe singing Yahweh.
Chris Tomlin singing Jesus Messiah.
Jake Isaac singing Long Road.
Hillsong United singing Oceans.
And many others including Rend Collective, Matt Redman, Jesus Culture, Third day and too many to include here!! But surely with such top quality bands, wouldn’t the event be sold out!?!?! Had I left it too late? But I got myself in check for I had learnt something in my adult life and it was this, “You can’t know something, before you know it” so this means I can’t know about something or learn a lesson until I have either learnt the lesson or got the information, that’s deep, I know but it’s true. So first thing was first, to write the letter I believe in including all the information.... terms and is the copy of the actual letter that I wrote to Jim Parsons.
Dear Jim Parsons, it will be my 57th Birthday on May 11th I know that’s an odd number as people usually ‘celebrate’ their 50th 60th 80th or 100th I would like to spend the whole day with you, I would like us to go to Sydney Australia for a concert and have a McDonald’s meal in Velletta Malta. I am not famous, rich or stunning, I am just an ordinary unknown person. It’s been a tough year for me financially ... and it would be a birthday to remember if I could spend the day with you. I would pay you 65p. I know a rich person who was able to buy Justin Bieber tickets for her Neice, I am not such a person, so I would ask you to foot the bill for the day, its cheeky I know, but our McDonald’s meal would be on me, for I am sure I would be given my birthday money early by my family. After our breakfast there we could take the long trip to Australia (so really I would be with you for about two and a half days, would the Producers of The Big Bang allow that?) this is why I am writing so far in advance to give you time to decide yes or no. One of my favourite TV programmes is Under Cover Boss, I always hoped something like that would happen to me; well this would be my Under Cover Boss moment, if this was to happen. I wouldn’t want any camera crew there with us; I’d just like one photo for my Instagram site. The event in Sydney is on May 13th 2014 full information is enclosed with this letter. I am one person among billions on this Planet; will you even read my letter? Sincerely, Janet Jones. (Mrs)
As with anything I send that’s important to me I sent it Signed For. Yes, I will be honest I did allow myself to dream that such an-over-the-top thing could ever happen on my good days and on my sad days I thought “Who am I? I’m nobody! Who DO I Think I Am?”
I was at work 10 months later when my Husband Paul rang me excitedly to say that a letter had just arrived from America! Believe it or not, I had forgotten all about it! I asked Paul to open it!
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can't wait to read part two
can't wait to read part two of this!
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