The Case Of The E.L.B.O.W.
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 427 reads
I had an ache in my elbow; at first I thought nothing of it. I didn’t remember banging it, and a few days later, the ache remained.
As the weeks wore on the pain in my elbow didn’t ease, didn’t seem to get better, it didn’t make sense.
I mentioned it to my Other Half, who said I “Must have knocked it” I told him, “I hadn’t” I did a few times doubt myself, had I banged it? But I knew I hadn’t!
It was never bad enough that I had to take a paracetamol or any pain killers but there it was constantly in the back of my mind, that ache over and over again.
My Husband said, “I should go to the Doctors about it,” but it seemed SO trivial to go to the doctors over something so small......
What I tried to do was help myself by not using that hand too much, so when I carried shopping, I tried to ‘rest’ it by carrying the heavier shopping in my other hand.
It didn’t work, the pain continued. So then my thoughts went to other things, what was causing the pain and why? After many thoughts I came to one conclusion, I thought maybe it was....
Big C !
I was frightened to speak out my fears, so I kept that thoughts to myself! I didn’t tell Paul or my Mummy, or anyone I worked with. I carried on trying not to over use it too much, I was even careful when getting in and out the bath.
But nothing helped! This went on for three months! So I decided to simply ignore it! Bury my head in the sand, and hoped it would simply go away.
Then a few weeks ago I was at college, and the Tutor who was doing Art was standing next to me, she had large sheets of paper and as she went to tear it she suddenly said, “Ouch” I said “What’s wrong”? She said, “My elbows hurt!” I replied, “Elbows, both of them?” She said, “Yes” I told her that three months ago my elbow, hurt too, and not bad enough for me to take any painkillers or to go to the Doctor. She told me both her elbows hurt very much also for three months and that her friend’s elbow also hurt for three months!”
I asked her what she thought caused it, she said, “She didn’t know, but thought maybe it was an infection.” I said, but I don’t have anything in common with you, or your friend, so how come we three have had the same pain in our elbows and for three months?” We didn’t know the answer to that, but I was OK for at least I knew it wasn’t ....
Big C !
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