By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 379 reads
Yesterday I saw a young woman walk out of the hairdressers, she caught my eye first because she had her hand at her fringe, and then she was walking in front of me and I thought WOW! When I saw her hair from behind it was long, black, shiny and very, very straight! It was like she had straight hair and went to the hairdressers to have it straightened, it was like she had pure silk on her head, I looked away and then looked back at her hair, I thought what must it be like to have hair like that on you head every day? And I was transfixed just looking at her hair, I thought I’ll just enjoy the sheer beauty of it, and it wasn’t just me looking at this beautiful head of hair either, everyone at the bus stop they too looked at her hair as she walked past them, and kept looking at it, just like me.
Hair fascinates me, but I’d never seen hair like hers. I wondered if it was real or fake. It didn’t look fake, but if done properly you can’t really tell. I thought in parts of the World, where everyone has very straight hair, she would not have turned a head, she would not have been noticed, at all! It was beautiful, almost too beautiful. In my mind, it was perfect, and strangely when I see someone with lovely hair, I think their life is perfect, everything is good for them! I know that isn’t so, it just what I think, when my hair looks good, I feel good, but as you know, just because you have wonderful hair, everyday life still happens, the good and the bad. And if you are the lucky one to have naturally fabulous hair, its yours, you have it every day, it’s not always appreciated.
I had good, wonderful, fabulous hair and I went to the hair dressers and she ruined it, I did grieve for my hair for many years, I cried buckets, but I had no one to blame but myself I listened to People who said, I should go to the hairdressers…. Over the years I took to wearing a hat! There were people who I work with who have never seen my hair!!! So, I decided to have extensions in, this I had as a Christmas gift to myself and also from my Husband. He, Paul doesn’t know how much it cost, I’m glad I was sitting down when I asked the hairdresser how much it would cost! But although it was expensive for me and for Paul, if he knew, I work with someone who had extensions, different type to mine hers cost as staggering £500 Mercy! Now, I really like this person I have great respect for her, she is very hardworking, she had two jobs her other job pays very good money, but if I didn’t know she had paid SO much to have them done, I’d have thought she did them herself! For you can see the clips… I’ll have to introduce her to my hairdressers.
I love my extensions, it has built up my confidence, and I feel Special again, no doubt the lovely Person I work with, she too I’m sure feels Special. I saw another person this week on Facebook, she wanted tips from us as, “What can I do to grow my hair?” She went on, “It breaks at a short length, so she has bought a very long wig! Red to match her red dyed hair, it suits her. I know a lovely lady, she had straight hair to her elbows, then soon after she and the rest of her family had a family a group photo done professionally, she found out she had cancer and with the treatment all of her lovely hair was gone, forever! The wig she wears, if you didn’t know her before, you would not know it’s a wig. She doesn’t wear her wig in the house, it was strange when I first saw her without it, but after a while, it was OK it was still my lovely friend.
I must be the only Person in the whole wide World, who have cried to a Cancer Patient that my hair was ruined at the hairdressers! And she comforted me! Yes, I did kick myself when I went home! I felt SO silly, I was low and taken off guard, but sometimes you can’t choose when your honesty, will reveal itself.
I’ve seen on Facebook amazing wigs, they are SO good that if you stood with your eyes one inch from their head you would not know it’s a wig, as you can see the flesh of the woman’s head and there is even a bald man with his wig glued to his head! Now SO many have extensions or wigs that they wear all the time, some use glue too and this has ruined their hair, it always seems good at the time then it becomes addictive, when the hair looks good on the outside, but underneath, permeant damage is done! I have heard about some women with bald patches for ever, on reflection, it’s not worth it. I can’t turn back the clock, none of us can not the rich or the poor.
Before I went to the hairdressers a man who I worked with warned me, “Don’t go, your hair will be ruined,” But I didn’t listen, and there will always be many, who like me won’t listen for, for them it is very important, nothing at the time is more important, I don’t know what the percentage is for ruined hair at the hairdressers, suing is not going to get your hair back! Even if you go out and buy a wig made of real, long, hair, some poor woman somewhere sold hers for probably £10!!!!
Hair is BIG business, along with eyebrows and eyelashes! Who knew, eyebrows would be SO big. I met a lady I knew from the school run when our kids were young, she told me, “I’m getting my eyebrows done!” She explained she had shaved them off, MERCY!!! Then I smiled and said, “I always think of my Husband, when he says, ‘I saw a woman who was permanently surprised!’ It always tickles me and him, or if he sees a Woman with eyebrows where one is higher than the other, where both have been shaved off and crayoned back on!”
Years ago, you were attracted to a person by many things their hair colour or length of hair or eye colour or something else, now so many people are walking around false, totally fake. I heard about a man in another part of the World who sued his Wife for when she took everything off, she wasn’t the woman he went out with, even her teeth were removed!!!!!!! And once all of the make-up came off, she was unrecognizable. I believe he won the case!
Anyway, I digress, when I was a child, I want to be a hairdresser, I’m glad I wasn’t for a friend told me, “A friend of mine who was a hairdresser and when she looked at this woman’s hair it was full of fleas, she went mad,” Her words, not mine. But, apart from the fleas, I always wanted to be a hairdresser, and It would have been a great job. Did you ever see that fab programme, where it was a competition to do women’s hair? Oh, it was fantastic!
Hair, I could talk about it on and on……it fascinates me x
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