Looking For Angie ........
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 617 reads
I remember when Angie started work, straight away some didn't like her, so she in my eyes became the 'underdog.' I don't like that, when some people don't ever give you a chance. They don't like you the first day and that's it, they never do. So in my eyes she was the underdog. I am usually on their side, whoever they are. Of course there are exceptions …..
I liked Angie, she was serious, funny and hard-working.
She made friends with another girl at work and they got on great, I thought they were chalk and cheese, SO different, but they were and still are very good mates.
I did Craft Fairs back then and also on the Bank Holidays, If my Husband couldn't join me, then Angie would. How many people do you know, who would give up their precious Bank Holiday, for another. Getting up very early, travelling far and not getting paid for it, but keen just as much as me, for customers, would help me set up and pack up, it was hard work, trying to set up in the short time that we had before it opened. This was the lovely Angie. The Angie my Co-workers kindness, they never saw, or wanted to see. I just liked Angie for Angie, I knew she wasn't my best friend, but she was my friend and we got on great! Oh, I did 'pay' Angie and anyone who helped me on my stall, they could chose an item of certain value for themselves or as a gift for family or friends, some didn't want to, but I insisted. And every single 'helper' I've had, have given their all, their kindness and free service, not wanting anything in return. So that's why if a few have said, “No, it's OK.” Then I have insisted for they have worked hard!
It was a bit funny for I didn't have a Tom-tom back then, and although Angie only lived about 5 miles from me, when I was picking her up, so we could go to the various Craft Fairs, I would always get lost....
Then one sad say, she handed her notice in! She was going to live, far FAR away! I joked, “So I'll never see you again.” But I did see her again. We kept in touch via good old text. Her mobile number never changed. After she moved, we met up again, when she came to visit her best friend and met up with me first, for a coffee and a chat. It was good to see her. Another time I saw her when she knew which Craft Fair I'd be at and she came with her children, this was the first time my Husband met her. He'd heard SO much about her.
At Christmas she would give my kids gifts and I would give her kids gifts too, but for me, I gave her kids gifts, because I never forgot her kindness, giving up her valuable time, to help me out on my stall.
She would be one of the first to send me a text wishing me a happy Christmas, Easter, Birthday or Mother's Day.
Her hand writing was dreadful, no one could read it! I remember once a Doctor said to her, “You should be a Doctor, for your writing is bad!” We just laughed, it was good to get a confirmation from one.
About once a year after Angie moved we would write each other, either it was I who wrote and would get a reply or it was Angie who wrote and I would reply. Then one day my mobile had to go to the shop for repairs and to my horror I lost her number with many others, gone forever! So now I didn't have her number. Then Angie moved again in the same area, far FAR away, but I didn't know until she wrote me one Christmas two years ago, I wrote her straight away and post it the same say day recorded delivery. I didn't get a usual Christmas Day text and thought that was strange but I knew at least she got my letter and card. Then after Christmas, my letter to her and card was returned, 'return to sender'!!! I doubled checked to make sure I'd copied her badly hand written new address and yes it was correct. So I waited for her usual Happy New Year text but it didn't arrive, but I too wanted to wish her a Happy New Year and let her know I did send her a card and replied straight away to her informative letter, but no text came. Nothing on Mother's Day, or Easter... or Christmas.... so we have lost touch!
I have kept the letter she sent me and my letter I had sent back to me, so if you read this and know Angie, tell her I lost her number from my phone, my number is still the same, to phone me.
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