The Perfect Day, Well Almost......
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 491 reads
Yesterday was the perfect day, well almost. I was a bit, nervous during the week, so I looked up Psalm Chapter 46 Verse 5 yesterday morning, “God dwells in that city, it cannot be destroyed. From the very break of day, God will protect it.” I prayed also for good weather.
After I’d done my chores, I was just about to go to where Mum is staying and join my other family members at my Cousin’s house to watch The Royal Wedding! Was SO glad I was off, then I had a text from work in the morning asking if I could come into work! I explained, “I am going to watch The Royal Wedding with my family,” He said, “OK, no problem.”
I asked my Daughter Megan, “Would you like to watch the Wedding with us?” She replied, “Yes,” We then travelled the twelve miles to my Cousin’s house. I didn’t expect food to be there, I’d planned to have fish and chips later.
It was hot and sunny, we’d arrived 11.20am and had missed all the guest arriving. I heard about Princess Ann’s dressing gown! I saw it today, it wasn’t that bad, I like Princess Ann.
As I don’t watch or really listen to the news, I only get snippets of whatever comes onto Facebook. So, I didn’t know what all the fuss was about with Meghan’s Dad. I heard that he wouldn’t now be going to the wedding as he didn’t want to, “Embarrass her,” then after that I heard, that he wouldn’t be attending the wedding because he was having an operation on Wednesday.
I was nervous for Meghan, I didn’t want her to be upset, lose sleep and have bags under her eyes for the big day! I imagined during the week she’d probably cry. I heard someone on TV say, “She can’t control what happens with her family, or anything else outside her wedding plans.” I thought that was beautifully put.
At home I like to pause the TV and take a picture but there was no chance of that at my Cousin’s, although I did take pictures and did some filming onto my mobile.
My anxiety was still there, a little. I’d thought of the day before the wedding, the shooting in the Texas school where ten people were shot dead by a seventeen-year-old student, who’d planned to kill himself afterwards, I was hoping he’d be shot dead by the cops! But on reflection, he won’t be having a good life, having killed ten people and wounded ten, it’s just as well, he can face the consequences! Then there was the plane crash in Cuba where one hundred people had died just after take-off, only three survived. I’d prayed for the families who’d lost loved ones.
I’d heard that some wanted Megan’s Mum to walk her down the aisle, that seemed like a good idea to me, then I heard she was going to walk on her own and Prince Charles was going to join her part of the way and walk her down the aisle! I’m not keen on Prince Charles, but who instead of her Dad would be the best person to walk her down the aisle than, the future King of England!
Who does Weddings better than Buckingham Palace! Everything went according to plan, it was lovely to see, the little lad, with mouth wide open as he held onto the train of the dress, just before Meghan came into the Church, then Prince Charles walked with Meghan down the aisle, and Harry removed her veil, the tiara, I heard later was something borrowed from the Queen, it belonged to her grandmother! Her wedding band is made from rare Welsh gold. Harry even has his own wedding band. Megan told me tonight, “Harry had to ask permission from the Queen to keep his beard.”
I loved the choir, it was nice to see people of colour and the young man who played on the cello, never heard of him before, but Googled him today for more info and his name is Sheku Kanneh-Mason age only nineteen he has siblings just as talented as he is, he won Young Musician of the Year. The sermon was a bit long, but different, he was a jolly soul compared to the other Priest who married them, who sounded like he was at a funeral.
A nice gesture was when Prince Charles and Meghan’s Mum Doria, was leaving the main Church building to witness the signing of the register, he held out his hand to her and they went into the next room holding hands, he went up in my estimation right there!
Doria was the only family member at the wedding! Flipping heck! I can’t imagine what that must have felt like! With the most famous Daughter in the World, she must have felt the most loneliest Person in the World!
I heard today, at the wedding, yesterday, a chair was left for Princess Diana, at the Church, she was not forgotten, she will NEVER be forgotten.
Yesterday and today, the question we asked each other, “Will it last?” Princess Ann’s wedding ended in divorce and so did Charles, and Andrew; they are both outspoken and the obvious that was stated from different backgrounds, cultures, nationalities, she has also put on her webpage today, “I am happy to be a Woman and a Feminists,” Oh dear …. I said to the Lady on the till at Tesco yesterday morning, “I’m outspoken, like Meghan but from now on, If I was about to marry Harry, I’d say ‘Yes’ to everything. I wouldn’t rock the boat,” I said to my Daughter, “Megan, she will never have to do the housework ever again, lucky her.”
It DID make me smile when saying their vows Harry said, “All I have is yours,” I thought, he has a lot and when Meghan said the same, I thought, in comparison you have nothing!
Her dress was lovely, the best part for me was the shoulders and neckline, I thought her veil was far too long, I did love the sheerness of it. I loved the change of clothes later and the little car they went off into the sunset in, well to the Reception. Earlier they had ridden in the Queen’s personal Rolls Royce.
I reminded my Daughter again yesterday, “I wanted to spell you name Meghan, but I didn’t want you to have to say all your life, ‘Meghan with an H.’ ” Megan replied, “I wished you had Mum, for now Meghan with an H is known around the World,” I wished I had too, but I just love the name.
Tonight, I think of line from the Bible, the Book of Daniel, that speaks of the future and of a marriage…. “This mixture of iron and clay shows that the kingdom will try to strengthen themselves by forming alliances with each other through intermarriage. But this will not succeed, just as iron and clay do not mix.” Daniel Chapter 2 verse 43 now I know this had nothing at all to do with Harry and Meghan at all, but it just came to mind, as they are SO different.
It all seemed to have happened SO fast, I DO wish them well, that they will last and be happy, can’t wait to their baby.
It was the perfect wedding day, well almost, Manchester United didn’t win!
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