As The World Hold Its Breath.....
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 1134 reads
As the World holds its breath, we hope for complete success of all thirteen children and their Coach will come up to the surface, from the caves below.
I remember well the Chilean miners who were trapped underground the Earth for a very long time, at one point we were told they could be trapped for up to six months! Thankfully that didn’t happen.
When the Wives went to where they were, one Man also had a Mistress! That was when his Wife found out.
It did seem impossible for them all to be rescued and yet the day arrived and one by one they came up in the capsule!
I remember sitting in front of my computer and watching it live and with the rest of the World clapping as another precious Soul surfaced. It was SO important that all of them made it out alive! It would have put a damper on everything if even one didn’t make it out, to have come so far and not make it out!
I was annoyed with myself that I had to go to bed, that I wasn’t able to stay up late into the night and cheer, clap as I’d done before I went to bed.
You can imagine my joy with the rest of the World, that they all made it out alive!!! Within months somewhere in the World, later on miners died who too were trapped underground, their graves forever, bodies never to be retrieved. We knew the Chilean Miners who all made it out, that was Special, for Miners before them perished!
Now to the present day, the miners had to contend with falling debris, those in Thailand, have to battle natural elements, Monsoon, raising water dark, very dark caves, weak starving children, some who can’t swim! As more details have emerged it has shown us side views including the one that is inches or 40cm wide! Some news footage has shown murky waters. At one point during the trek out the oxygen mask has to be removed, so as to get through.
I was thrilled when I heard that divers from England was there intact ninety divers are involved in this amazing operation.
And yet, that Man came out of retirement to help with the rescue and very quickly died! It was a stark reminder, just how dangerous the rescue would be, it was not just to get the thirteen all out, but the rescuers were putting their lives in danger!
Sigh, I’d have wanted to get in contact with my Son, if he was one of the rescuer and tell him to, “Come home!” But thank goodness there are all different types of people in the World, the get up and go, to make a real difference and the, “I’ll just stay where I am,” And do nothing! That’s a bit harsh, for personally I’m a proactive person, my work colleagues can vouch for that. I suppose its all a big cosmopolitan melting pot, for despite all the wars around the World, we DO care and for each other, for those who go, there are those who give generous amounts of money to help the disadvantaged, some give much needed blood, others donate their organs, around the World Prayers have gone up, unsung behind the scene heroes!
I read two lines yesterday about each one of the thirteen on Facebook and the one that got me the most, was the fourteen-year-old who sent up at note to his Mum, “When I get up I will help you with the shopping.” I wondered how many times his Mum had asked him for help and he’d said, “No,” His young life now changed forever, for better. He went in the cave a little boy and emerged a mature man, his Mum can be very, very proud of him.
It has all been done in stages, to refill the oxygen tanks, the Parents have not been able to hug their Sons yet as they have to be kept apart for the Teens own good, but they are out and alive, they have been able to see them through glass windows.
We all have to be patient, for one more day, for today it is the day of freedom, then we can all give a big cheer! x
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They're all out safely now,
They're all out safely now, including the adult who was with them. It's so nice to see a successful end to such a gruelling rescue!
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It has been an amazing thing,
It has been an amazing thing, the combined organised toil of the rescuers from different countries, the patience and perseverance of the boys and their teachers, the realisation by many of their need to ask for God's intervention to help the efforts of the rescuers. Many of the miners who were trapped for so long, testified of finding God's help in that time underground uncertain of their rescue and having to fill time. Rhiannon
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