∫∫∫ Endings in Chess
By Tom Brown
- 1208 reads
Human vs. Computer
A computer plays chess much like a human, each legal move and all replies are considered. The incredible calculation abilities of the machine gives a great advantage. Weaker moves are quickly eliminated. Calculations are extremely fast and 100% accurate while evaluation of possible positions are compared and scored by rules and basic principles of chess as criteria. Clearly the strength of play depends much on good software.
For immediate considerations and tactical play the machine excells and far surpasses the human. However you could expect the grandmaster to be the better at strategy. That means planning in the longer term and positional play.
There is something though that a good chessplayer apparently has and it is intuition, or instinct, best seen in blitz games- among humans then. But of course the computer is absolutely invincible in blitz because it can calculate so fast.
It may be better to not have human superiority because really one should not take a game too seriously and rather participate purely for the social part and for enjoyment. There is a place for everybody right from beginner and novice to the more serious club player to internet and to international competitions. Over all ages children to the elderly both sexes and every race and people with disablities everyone is accomodated.
Teichman said Chess is 99 percent tactics and it has been said is really 99 percent calculation. World Champion Gary Kasparov said Chess is mental torture.
Chess players can be finished but not Chess.
Chess Wins!
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Tom Brown,
Tom Brown,
I'm enjoying your chess stories and I'm glad this is not your last.
For me, chess is played best when it is between two human opponents. That's when all our human strengths and frailties come into play. AI has its merits (and its failings) but the idea of two human minds totally engrossed in a game of chess has a beauty about it that a machine cannot match.
Then again, I do enjoy playing against my computor.
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