Admissions Ward
By Tom Brown
- 29 reads
do you drink? bit early in the morning just a quick double oh. two sugar one milk for me thanks
what does this mean? … people in grass houses must stow thrones and … beauty is through the eyes of the beholden You are incoherent have you been troubled of immoral thoughts doctor i Actually enjoy them and now Ideas you mean on your desk, or the carpet are you hiding anything i swear it's not hard
Silence will there be Silence! do you hear voices, you dont? since when, sorry can't hear you you cant go round baptising everybody and visions and i think Yes i was acting a bit extreme. we think so too. I am a doctor please dont tell other patients it says the patient cannot sign here i refuse smashed the tv because it is eye of the antichrist it is l.s.d lucifer satan and the devil
drink your own bloody pills you cart before the horse! i Am also a doctor too told you you take your own medicine a pink one and a white one that shocks evil secret little smile just a little injection before you go home just to calm you down a bit refuse and its Ward 11 i am writing to the superintendent there is mistake somewhere ok theres pen & paper enough it says you may not sign here i refuse you must think im Mad tell him to drink his own pills
what do they do here all the time that guy is baking mud pies, crawling round in the flowers counting daisies this is one eating for four-leaf clovers that guy makes a joint from the gideon's the patient with the beret marching the god's soldiers on the parade ground troops left-right left-right left left left teftt-right left-right halt! platooon! teenntion!
bernadette in the mens ward every day hand-in-hand new boyfriend pull down her pants Surprise surpri-ise! And yes she is bigger than yours gonna get my kicks before the madhouse goes up in flames sorry jim morrison is not allowed here king of the earth is breaking down the door again quick quick a cigarette girlfriend bought a shotgun to see if its loaded held his hand in front pulled the trigger one american hand less
clinic girlfriend drove me to stop drinking out-patients rock & roll isn't its so nice what medicine can do my is prescription is there right front of you, are you coming voluntary or by force? jewish? have you read mine kampf? take that you swine!
are you feeling better you look much better, for how long do i have to drink these pills? until you die.
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