Dear friend Paddington
By Tom Brown
- 499 reads
Master Paddington Bear
32 Windsor Gardens
My dear friend Paddington! Thanks for your letter and coming to visit us. You're already famous here I can't wait!
Marvelous, a voyage, adventure! Pack your little suitcase you pay the plane flight all else is on us. Pack some marmalade sandwiches in your hat for the road. Hurry to Paddington station and take the train bound Heathrow and board the boeing destination Oliver Tambo International and Joburg. We live near Pretoria we'll pick you up wear your black hat and little blue jacket.
We have a busy program!
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There aren't any bears in the wild free in Africa it's just us teddybears. But in the Pretoria Zoo there we have relations the polar bear grizzly bear black bear and of course the brown bear. The panda and little koala bear are closer family. The monkeys' antics are the best! They are terribly funny!! Don't feed the animals! Some animals can be very dangerous!
You have to walk far and you get tired. Little Jack is small he gets very tired from walking so far in the sun. Dads lets him ride on his shoulders. Listen to mam! If you behave it's ice-creams! Pink & white red or choklit!
And there is the cable car right up to the top of the hill where the large animals' cages are. The bears are there lions also hippos elephants and so on. There are animals in the zoo from almost everywhere.
If you like we can go to the world famous cradle of man and bear. The voortrekker monument too it's boring but it's massive.
Holiday by the Seaside! Margate! Do not go out of sight dads warns and stay in shallow water! Splashing around merrily in the waves is great fun! On the beach we build castles and pick up pebbles and shells by the water the wet sand squueeelshes between your toes. Foam riding on waves to the edge washing out white. Write her name in the shiny wet sand and watch it wash away.
Cooldrinks! Dads buys cooldrinks green red rasberry purple or orange! Sunshine happiness cool water peace and bliss on the beach in the big umbrella's shade.
The Fountains! The toy steam-train to the Teddybear Picnic in the woods! Cake and sweets candy-floss soft-serve ice-cream cones cooldrinks lots of goodies and balloons and ribbons everywhere. Little friends and games and no grown-ups a feast and play the whole day long!
Hide & seek between the trees and cops & robbers and touch I spy and Tarzan. Mission on planet X armed with zapguns teddybear astronauts land in their spaceships. They fight martians who have stingrays and aliens in flying saucers.
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I begged pleaded and cried nagged and threw tantrums till at last she gave in it was a job. That bear is clumsy and a messy eater Mam said. She says don't make a mess with marmalade and not to try to fix anything and no magic hat tricks please. She doesn't want to see you on the box and don't sing in the bath. Of course if you like you can go back anytime to your miserable life in that sad and dismal little grey country and the horrible Mr Curry.
Miramdam still hasn't come back. I think Dr Brown is going to crack.
I can't wait to see you and meet you in real life!
Your friend in Africa! Charlie Bear @
PS. Mam is sending a parcel of ostrich biltong for the family.
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