Last Straws
By Tom Brown
- 166 reads
“Elizabeth how many husbands have you had?” , “You mean of my own?”
A hard man is good to find!
Sundry Quotes,
In Chess, lose with dignity win with grace. In life, meet failure like a man, and success like a gentleman.
It costs nothing to be polite to a man before you kill him.
The world will never starve for want of wonders, only for want of wonder.
What do you think of western civilisation? Sounds like a great idea!
Chin up!
What do you like to have in the morning? A roll with honey!
Mother “Now that Tommy's going to grammar school we should buy him an encyclopaedia”, “Nonsense, let him walk, same as I had to at his age.”,
“We want Tommy to stop learning German”, Headmaster, “Madam, no problem at all”
“James we want you to meet a friend but she doesn't think she'll like you, she says she only likes rich men”. Looks down, up again, “Has she got nice tits?”
Cheer up! Bald men keep the bright side up! Gay men have balls!
Every man wants to be her first love, a woman is much more subtle she wants to be his last.
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