The Two Testaments
By Tom Brown
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According to the holy scripture of the New Testament salvation is through faith, in the Old Testament it was to be earned by works and good deeds and keeping the commandments as of Moses, only of which remain as law those of love and of obedience.
Prescribed traditions, holy days and offerings were kept by priests of the Temple to please God, to praise and pay gratitude and for forgiveness of sin and atonement for the people. It was a harsh law, an eye for an eye the wrath of God merciless, the commandments impossible for sinners to keep.
The Old Testament was fulfilled, completed and by the new one replaced, at that moment when Jesus Christ on the cross said “It is finished”.
It is over, has been come to pass, the offering is complete. The Old Testament has passed there is now a new covenant, the New Testament, the law of love, love of God and love of all brethren and believers as sisters and brothers. The old law says what we may not do, the new law tell us what me must.
Thus is fulfilled as in the prophecies, the Old Testament is done, it is paid for by the greatest sacrifice.
In our place was the offering of the Son, immaculate, the holy lamb of God, meek, innocent, gentle, our mighty God and merciful Saviour and Immanuel, all our hope and our salvation.
On the cross Jesus cried with a great voice: My God, my God, why did you forsake me? The sun became black the curtain of the temple tore in two from the top to the bottom and Jesus called out in a mighty shout: Father into your hands I give my spirit! And said, it is fulfilled, and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
He died, the sacrifice was complete and paid with blood, his love unending and everlasting, the Son's obedience was to the end, to death.
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Apparently Augustine famously
Apparently Augustine famously said, "The new is in the old concealed; the old is in the new revealed.” ie the message was there from the beginning, but now more fully revealed!
We are told that Abraham 'believed God, and it was credited to him as rightesousness' (Galatians 3:6; Genesis 15:6), and right from the fall, the offspring of the woman was promised that would crush Satan, and they received the promises eg Isaiah 53:5, 6,12 etc, so that they were taught to trust in the One who would come and deal with their sins, as they knew they failed constantly, and David's prayer in Psalm 51 was 'Cleanse me … wash me … Create in me a pure heart …' As in the New Testament times, it was those who knew forgiveness by faith because of God's mercy that would be purchased one day in the coming Christ that truly tried to live by those good laws.
So the nation of Israel was being taught to be ready for the need for Christ, and tell other nations, the sacrifices pointing forward to something better, perfect, that was completed on the cross at Calvary.
regards, Rhiannon
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