Words at play
By Tom Brown
- 710 reads
Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves.
–Lewis Carroll
Riddles and rhymes
I am light I am dark
I can bend I can't break
I'm smaller than a raindrop
I'm bigger than an ocean
I'm worthless I'm priceless
I do not live I am immortal
I'm nowhere I'm everywhere
I'm never I'm forever
I am there I am here
I am and I am not
What am I?
It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.
What is round and square?
What is curved and straight?
How many sides has a circle?
What is true but is not true?
What is right but it is wrong?
What is false and true?
What is One?
What is Two?
This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats high mountains down.
Did Adam or Eve eat apples or figs?
Samson, What is sweeter than honey? and what is stronger than a lion?
What is green and turns red when you push the button?
What is long and red and brings children?
The ultimate of speed?
How do you make a dog go mmmmiiiaaww ?
Make a cat go Woooff! ?
Where does cow's milk come from?
What has one voice, becomes four-footed, two-footed, and three-footed?
The English show affection only to dogs and horses. How do Germans show affection?
How deep can you go into a forest?
Where am I?
What is the difference between a riddle?
A riddle is a poem, and a poem is a riddle.
Where are you?
What have I in my pocket?
A few hints ...
Samson's riddle is upside wrong way round and topsy turvy. Apples are not mentioned in the story of Eden but fig leaves are, nothing is said in the question about forbidden fruit.
The first riddle's start "I am light I am dark" is a bit nasty. It has nothing to do with quantum physics, not any more than with anything else.
Some key words: An electric juicer; a bus; race around a circle; garbage; circular saw; petrol. By the way none of the answers are "God".
Many of these riddles are my own. Some of the others are from the Hobbit, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and the Bible.
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