"as time begets time"
By T. Imaan Tretchicovmanicova
Tue, 05 Apr 2005
- 1721 reads
violin tears
drawn across your bow
create &; fill
a pool spirit
within your eyes
lament a song but
do not weep for us
weep for time
its minutes
its hour
its ticking hand
its inflexibilty,
in its drive
its motion.
strike a key
dark or light
light or dark
resonate her
you, the key
in which she strikes
uniting time &; sound.
she has learned your rhythm well
please, allow her to
play for you
her composition of surrender
to the
the sweep of your minute hand
carves time upon the keys
of her piano, as she creates
for you, her metronome,
her time signature
her conductor.
`T. Imaan Tretchicovmanicova
"as time begets time"