vi "Golden Dragon's after War"
By T. Imaan Tretchicovmanicova
- 692 reads
years drifted until the Golden
Dragon returned to his wood,
however, he returned with a
pack of wolves in his soul.
his scaley limbs and body were
bruised and caked with blood,
claws missing as was the
twinkle in his eyes which
now were tired and glazed.
"rest," his mind whispered.
once inside his warm den,
one by one, he ridded himself
of his weapons. the exhausted
Dragon made a place on the
earthen floor and immediately fell
into a deep, cavernous sleep.
that night his beloved habibi
visited him in dream along
with his many packs of wolves
and huskies. they bathed
and cleansed their beloved
Dragon. they then gathered
closely around him and
read her song poetry.
his soul calmed from its
warlike beat to become a still
mountain lake once more.
they prepared a warm fire and
several meals for him
which they lay about
the hearth and ground before
the fire. beauty's fire thanked
those as they became veils
once more. beauty silently and
in stillness then patiently waited.
vi "Golden Dragon's after War"
`t. imaan tretchicovmanicova
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