It's not okay at all
By utsukushi_kiseki
- 551 reads
I've been keeping to talk about this for so long, that I need to say how important this is to be talked about.
This is all based on my own experiences.
It was all concluded that, in order to be in a relationship, you have to touch or offer sex to them. It's completely insane, isn't it?
I couldn't relate anything, how on earth can a couple needs to physically touch to get connected. Is it the only way to do it? Is it SO important that this need to be done?
I shall say that none of my exes are genuinely in love with me. Because they are all based on touching, wanting to see my hair, wanting sex implicitly.
It's whether I left them or the guy left me because of this.
I've once been in a relationship telling the person that I hate to hold hands or getting kissed until I get married. He found it hard to do so because the girls he dated previously never asked to do this but vice versa. I also directly told him that if he dares to do it, I don't hesitate to leave him and have no regrets at all.
Then it turned out that we need to be in a long distance relationship and he shut me out since I've been away.
I was also one of those girls wondering if to do this stuffs make us get more attention and special treatment from the guy that we love. Wondering if this is the only solution when things in our relationship is not right. Wondering that if I do this it's fine because almost everyone is doing it. But thank God in those dark situations, a little light of my heart says no to this.
I once got accused on rejecting sex that I am not normal. Because I don't have desires to do it.
To be frank, you don't need those explanations that it should be done in a noble and right way, marriage. You see, in Islam, God told us no before marriage for reasons. A lot of important reasons. If you see those people who have it before marriage, they don't appreciate it because they can get it whenever they want. Well, its ~NORMAL~ anyway. Right? LOL PLEASE.
Thinking that a person like me could have all those thoughts of not being good enough if I don't do the 'thing' that guys wanted, it broke my heart thinking how other girls feel the same thing and do it anyway because they love the guy blindly.
I'm telling you, that it's not okay at all. Like, AT ALL. And it's not love. It is completely lust. Even some guys confronted to me that they are in relationship just to enjoy that. You might say the guy didn't ask it before this and he suddenly did, because, guys have a lot of patience to make strategies to do it. He might poke you with those statements before it happened like "you can come and sleep at my house if you want to" or simply like "I wonder how your hair look like. It must be pretty".
Why would you give in to somebody who don't put efforts to marry you?
They might say "oh I'm working on it" or "let's get married" but believe me, they are all lying. How can they say "oh let's do 'this' so that we know how to work it out when we get married" or "let's try so that we know our levels". Astaghfirullah, only God knows how much my fingers shaked and my heart hurts while I type these. Those guys honestly don't know what they were saying.
Honey baby, this is not okay and you should get out of the relationship, no matter how hard it is. I know it needs a lot of courage and guts to do it. Please ask from Allah, put your hopes on Him and He will definitely, definitely send signs and help you deal with it. You deserve a healthy relationship, not alone physically connection but also heart connections. Ever wonder why a lot of marriages these days only lasts a few years, or even a month? It's because they don't know how to control their lust of this. There is no pure connection relating to God. Because you know why, nothing lasts forever but when its related to God, it does. What's the point of Jannah, which lasts forever, if you don't seek a relationship like this.
It's getting so common that some of the young generations thought it's fine and it's nothing. Seeing others do it without shame and showed it publicly effects to increase of wanting to implement their lust on this. (sorry if there's any too-academic-terms, lol)
Break the habit. Break the common, don't follow the trends. The trends are only trends. They don't do it based on what should be done best. They only do it for you to believe its 'cool'.
It's easier said than done, if you ever experienced things like this or it already happened, escape baby. You might feel like God didn't hear you or you're scared of what will people think but believe me, there are people who cares about this and wanted you to get what you REALLY deserve.
Those guys don't know what they are thinking. Those girls *I bet there are too* don't know what they are saying. They don't know who you are deeply inside. You are those good girls, good guys who only wanted a healthy relationship in the best way that Allah pleased.
Prayers are the best weapons for muslims. Use that weapon to fight. How can God turned you down, if you wanted goodnesses? When you wanted one goodnesses, a million of goodnesses will come to you. Trust me. Remember, Allah is good enough to help you, find those people who is willing to help you. Maybe you would say it;s hard to find help, so just make sure you already asked help from God, sincerely from your heart. Cried your heart out, God is there. God exists.
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