I've been there
By utsukushi_kiseki
- 443 reads
I've been there.
When you had too much dramas in life, losing the people you love a lot, so many changes happen,
You tend to keep your circle small, for some, VERY small. The ones you think who are EXTREMELY worth fighting for. And as life goes on, everything you do gets affected, even your social media.
You tend to share less, only with your circle. You tend to even get stingy to keep unimportant people in your instagram feed.
And I've been there, even worse, I only keep nature pictures in my instagram feeds. No faces at all, not even those who I love. Because I feel like they also could leave anytime soon.
But I've passed it. I'm in a position of acceptance where I've come to realise that it's just the rule of life to have dramas and people who left, no matter how much they affect me and meant a lot to me.
If you could see my instagram feed, it changes. DRASTICALLY changes. Even stangers are there in my instagram feed as my part-time job now requires me to do it, as my portfolio. I included those people who meant the world to me at that time, because I knew, it doesn't take JUST MY CIRCLE to make me, ME, but also those who came a day or two, a month, three years. Therefore I cherish every person who's in my life, even a second, while I prioritised my circle.
I admit, there were those days when I hate to think about what I had and the memories I made. But looking back should make me a better me, a fresher me. Though there will be times that I'm hundred steps away from where I am. "Nobody stays the same" and "changes is a thing you can count on".
Just take all the time you need, even when the mature you will regret spending too much time on it. Because what matters the most are what you learned in life to make yourself better. Its all worth it man.
The pain... everything. No doubt.
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