By utsukushi_kiseki
- 352 reads
I'm not the best man to tell you what to do for you to love yourself. But I think everyone understands that the level of true self-love will not be achieved without the true love of the Creator.
I know it is not easy to love yourself with lots of sins and mistakes. Sometimes people act around the victim of them own. But does the blame become resilient that one cannot reach heart's desire to be loved? Which you started to question yourself “Do I actually deserve to be loved?”
O you who love the Lord,
Have you forgotten the Lord who created you tells you that His door awaits you, so that each of you receive blessings? As a servant, we love the fact that we have a God. Do you know what the meaning of God is? You know you worship Him and you TRULY know how priceless you are that you put yourself closeST (at your best) to God. You know what happen when you feel closer to God? You started to feel welcome which eventually brings the presence of acceptance. You begin to accept that He is the Most Merciful, The Accepting, The Hidden One (of your sins), The Forgiving, The SATISFIER OF ALL NEEDS and others in the 99 of His beautiful names which never fail to soothe your heart. He carries you to your real value. Then you start to feel loved. With the truth that He loves you, you also start to get disclosed to all the wonderful things about yourself by Him that you'd never realised before.
Oh all that wants to be loved,
From there you will begin to grow your love knowing Him which then He showers you with all His blessings and hidden blessings that you would understand. You had that chances to feel the presence of real love because you did not see in the hidden blessings before. You know that you start to love yourself when you stop comparing yourself with other people. Yes dear, you're not a perfect nature. But it’s never impossible for you to beautify your personality. Go for the challenges of the world, do not be afraid of those challenges when you know you are holding tight onto The Owner of the Whole Universe. So you know how to beautify yourself in the best way. This helps you to grow love towards yourself.
O loving,
Love the Lord and that love will grow under God's grace that can bring you to Heaven. You will see for yourself why is it a loss to not love yourself. Why do you have to wait another human being to show you how to love yourself? The Best Teacher is already near you. He is only one prayer away. Whisper to Him. He IS our Home and He will show you how to love yourself at best.
O’ those of you who is struggling to steadfast,
It is not easy to get yourself to a phase where you can tolerate life and yourself, but diligence will help you near Him. Pray and pray. Believe in your good prayers, by then you will understand the meaning of life. Then you will love yourself much easier, before you find people who will teach you how to love yourself in other ways through the love of God.
His love is always reachable,
You always can feel His fondness more than what humans can offer.
Allah is true and be true, He loves you.
And He wants you to love yourself too.
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