Age Of Biotech
By well-wisher
- 485 reads
Across the Ailurian desert plain rode Astaroth the bioknight on the back of a strange, four wheeled, biolectric driven and spiky tailed animal called a Carosaur, his shell like bio-armour glittering like a jewel bug in the red crescent sun.
Up ahead of him he saw the bioborg Kruel; a clicking, giant lobster claw for a left hand; a well-fed bioluminescence blaster in his right and, at his feet, his distressed royal hostage, Princess Kara of the Emerald Realm.
"You've brought what I asked for, I hope", said Kruel, nudging the barrel of his bioblaster against the side of Karas crowned head, "The artifact?".
"Do you swear to release the Princess unharmed if I give it to you?", asked Astaroth as his carosaur, panting out dust with exhaustion grinded to a halt.
"I swear to blast her head off if you don't", said the bioborg.
The bioknight leapt from off of his wheeled steed and, the marsupial pouch of his living back pack opening and reaching inside itself, it handed him a strange metallic, polyhedral object.
"Why do you want this thing so much anyway?", asked Astaroth tossing the device up and catching it like a ball.
"Because it fell from the stars; from a planet whose technology is not based on genetic engineering like ours has become but machines of metal and plastic and with the power of that polyhedron I can make the kingdoms of the biotechs my slaves", said Kruel.
"Let the Princess go first and I will give it to you", said Astaroth, "You have my word as a knight of the Emerald realm".
"Hah!", scoffed the bioborg, "I know all about the honour of your knights. It was one of your sort, remember that cut off my left arm".
"You and your brigands were attacking a village", said Astaroth, "That knight was only doing his duty, protecting the villagers".
"Well he paid the price for my arm anyway", said the bioborg ignoring the knight, "I had this lobster claw grafted onto my left side and then I used it to snip off his head".
"I promise", said the knight, "I will give you the object if you just let the Princess go".
"Unless you want to take the princess home in pieces, you will do whatever I tell you", barked Kruel.
"Very well", said the bioknight, sighing and tossing the polyhedron underarm towards him.
Kruel caught the device in his claw and then, examining its many glittering faces, smiled.
"Well", said the bioknight, "You've got what you wanted. Are you going to let the Princess go?".
"No", said the bioborg, shaking his head and looking down at the woman kneeling helplessly in the dust, "The Princess is too precious a bargaining tool to surrender. I'm afraid you will just have to go back to your king empty handed".
Just then, however, the claw armed brigand heard a strange sound from behind him, like heavy beating wings getting louder and louder and then, before he could turn his head to look, he felt a piercing electric shock run through him as an electric falcon sank its curved beak and talons into the back of his neck delivering a powerful, bioelectric charge to his nervous system.
Shuddering, the bioborg dropped his gun and fell to the ground and, as he did, the bioknight ran forwards drawing his web blaster and firing a sticky net of electrified spider silk over him.
"You're safe now, your majesty", said Astaroth as the electric falcon, its electrified talons retracted, came to rest upon his shoulder and he helped the visibly shaken Princess to her feet.
The Princess wiped the red dust of the Ailurian desert from her silken gown.
"Is it true what the bioborg said about that thing?", she asked, pointing towards the polyhedron, "Did it really fall from the stars?".
The bioknight reached down and took the object out of the bioborgs claw.
"Yes", he answered, "But he was wrong about it being some sort of weapon. It has no power".
The knight closed his eyes and concentrated and, at a thought, the polyhedron started to open up like the petals of a flower and then, from its centre, there rose a tiny, holographic dancer, pirouetting and leaping to the music of some alien ballet.
"It's just a music box", he said handing it to the Princess, "Thats all".
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