The Blue Rose (Short Fairy Tale)
By well-wisher
- 8377 reads
Once, a young man named Santian asked the woman he loved whose name was Narissa if there was anything she wanted that he could get for her to show his love for her and Narissa asked him to get a blue rose because blue roses were extremely rare.
And so the young man swore that he would search until he found her a blue rose if she would promise to wait for him and not marry any other man.
And when the girl had given her word to wait for him the young man rode off on his horse to search for the fabulous flower.
Years and years he searched, within his own land and others; travelling east, north, south and west; searching over both land and sea and while he searched Narissa stayed true to her word that she would not marry anyone else.
But then, one day an old man, named Belcazar who was an enchanter met the young woman in the market place and was so overwhelmed by her beauty that he felt he must have her as his wife so he cast a spell upon her which made her forget all about Santian and fall in love with him.
The day of their wedding, however, was the very day that, high at the top of a snow covered mountain at the edge of the world, Santian found a blue rose growing inside a glittering crystal cave and beside it a golden mirror and a winged white horse
He looked in the mirror and as he did, to his amazement, he saw his beloved Narissa about to marry the evil enchanter and so, picking the blue rose and putting the magic mirror in his knapsack he climbed onto the white winged horse and flew all the way, at the speed of summer wind, back to his homeland and to the church where the wedding was taking place.
But when he entered the church and pleaded with Narissa not to marry the enchanter she said she could not remember him and that she loved the enchanter.
Heartbroken but only wishing Narissa's happiness the young man then gave her the blue rose as a wedding present and started to leave the church.
However, just as he was leaving, Narissa smelled the blue rose and when she did it broke the spell that the enchanter had placed upon her.
Immediately, Narissa ran towards Santian declaring that it was only him that she loved.
When the enchanter heard this however, his face turned fiery red with anger and he said that he would cast a spell upon them both and turn them into a couple of ravens.
But then, as he raised his wand to aim the spell at them , Santian reached inside his knapsack and took out the magic mirror, holding it up for protection and, when he did, the enchanters spell bounced off of it hitting the enchanter and turning him into a little, leaping toad.
Then because they were in a church with a priest and witnesses, Santian and Narissa decided to get married then and there and lived happily ever after.
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