Kit-Cat 5: Kit-Cat in Micro Magic Land
By well-wisher
- 580 reads
One day, Kit Cat was sitting in his armchair in his cottage in the enchanted forest where he lived, playing with his yo-yo.
Kit cat was really good at yo-yoing; he could do lots of brilliant yo-yo tricks like knocking a line of old tin cans off of a shelf. He could even yo-yo with his tail and feet.
But then suddenly, just as he about to use his yo-yo to drive away a pesky fly that had been bothering him, buzzing around his nose, the string of his yo-yo snapped and the yo-yo went flying across the room.
"Oh no", he said to himself, retrieving the yo-yo and looking down at its broken string unhappily, "That was my favourite toy. What am I going to do now".
Just then however, Kit Cat remembered that at the edge of the Enchanted forest there lived a friendly old wizard called Mervil.
"Perhaps, if I take the yo-yo to the wizard, he can use his magic to fix it", he thought.
And so, putting the yo-yo and the broken piece of string in his pocket, Kit Cat headed off as fast as he could through the forest to the wizards house.
When he got to Mervils house however, Mervil was not there but, instead, Kit-Cat saw Mervils daughter sitting in a chair and crying.
"Why are you crying?", he asked her, "And wheres Mervil?".
"Thats why I'm crying", said the Wizards daughter, "I don't know where he is. He just vanished and I don't know where to".
Looking round about the wizards house, Kit Cat scratched his chin in thought.
"Hmm?", he said, "Well when I lose something, I always think back and try to remember where I saw it last. What was your father doing before he disappeared?".
The wizards daughter pointed to a microscope that was sitting on a table near a large window.
"He was looking through his microscope", she said.
Kit- Cat went over and looked at the microscope, using his cats keen sense of smell to sniff for clues.
"Yes he was here alright, I can smell him", said Kit Cat, "But why would a Wizard need a microscope?".
"He was studying the atomic structure of Magic", said the Wizards daughter, "Magic is made of little sub-atomic particles called magions, you see".
But then Kit-Cat peered into the lense of the microscope.
"I don't believe it", he exclaimed.
"What?", asked the Wizards daughter, anxiously, "What do you see?".
"Your father", said Kit cat, "I see your father".
"Is he alright", she asked.
"Yes but it looks as if he's locked in some kind of prison in a castle in some microscopic world", said Kit-Cat.
"Oh dear", said the Wizards daughter, looking into the microscope herself and seeing her father in a prison cell just as Kit-Cat had said, "Well what can we do. We must help him".
"Well", thought Kit-Cat, "If I knew how he was able to shrink himself so small then I could shrink myself too and then I could rescue him".
The wizards daughter got down one of the wizards old dusty books from his book shelf and, placing it on the table beside the microscope started to search through its pages.
"This is his book of size altering spells", she said, "If there was a micro shrinking spell then it would be in here".
But just then she found what she had been looking for.
"Ahh, here it is", she said, "Shrinking to the sub-atomic level".
Then, turning to face Kit-Cat, she began to speak the words of a magic shrinking spell.
"Quantum Mechanicus", she said.
Suddenly, Kit cat saw all the whiskers on his face start to shrink, then his nose began to shrink, then his ears and his tail and, before he knew it, his whole body had gotten as small as a mouse.
"Quick", squeaked Kit-cat in a mouse like voice, "Put me under the microscope before I vanish altogether".
Reaching down, the wizards daughter scooped up a mouse sized Kit-cat and quickly placed him under the wizards microscope and she did it just in time aswell for, right at the moment, Kit-cat shrunk so small that she could no longer see him.
"Thank goodness", said the Wizard looking through the bars of his cell and seeing Kit-cat appear, "Someones come to rescue me".
"Don't worry, Mervil", said Kit Cat, seeing the wizard, "I'll find a way to get you free, I'm sure of it".
"Alright but just make sure the Micro-Giant doesn't catch you", said Mervil.
"Micro-giant?", asked Kit-Cat.
"Yes", said the wizard, "The prison cell I'm locked in is a dungeon in the micro-giants castle".
But, just then, however, Kit-Cat heard the sound of giant footsteps from behind him and turning round, to his terror he saw a fierce looking three eyed giant with four gigantic arms, two noses, six ears and two ginormous snarling mouths.
"Garr!", it roared out of both of its mouths, "Another intruder into my kingdom. Well, I'll deal with you".
Then, reaching down with one of its enormous hands, the giant grabbed hold of Kit-Cat before opening the door of Mervils cell and putting Kit-Cat into it aswell.
"Oh well", sighed Mervil as the giant put Kit-Cat down on the stone floor beside him and then locked up the barred prison door, "Atleast I'll have some company".
But then, getting up off the floor and brushing off sub-atomic dust particles, a thought occurred to Kit-Cat.
"But if your a wizard", said Kit-Cat, "Why don't you just use your magic to get you out of here".
"Oh well I would, you see", replied the Wizard, "Only the Giant took away my magic wand and hung it over there".
And saying this, the Wizard pointed in the direction of a strange sort of tree with lots of odd looking objects hanging from its branches and Kit Cat saw that one of the objects was the wizards wand.
"Hmm?", thought Kit Cat looking at the wand and wondering what they should do.
But then, his feline eyes lighting up, Kit-Cat had a brilliant idea and reaching into his pocket he took out his yo-yo, the one he had hoped the wizard would fix.
"I can use my yo-yo to get your wand back", he said.
"What a brilliant idea", said the wizard.
However, then Kit-Cat started to look gloomy again.
"Only trouble is", he said, "The string on my yo-yo snapped and so now I can't fit it onto my finger".
"Oh thats no problem", said the wizard, taking hold of the yo-yo and the piece of string with the finger ring on it and then, magically healing the two pieces of string together, "I don't need my wand for an object healing spell".
Then the wizard handed Kit-Cats yo-yo back to him, good as new and, to the wizards astonishment, he saw kit-cat skillfully hurl his yo-yo through the bars of the prison door and entangle the wizards wand in its string then, with just a single quick flick of his paw, Kit-cat reeled the yo-yo back in and the wand with it.
"There you go, Mervil", said Kit-Cat, disentangling the wand from the string of his yo-yo and handing it back to the wizard.
"Thank goodness", said Mervil, smiling, "Being the size of a sub-atomic particle is fun but I was starting to feel a little bit cramped".
Then, suddenly, Mervil waved his wand, speaking the magic words "Elasticus Modulus".
And, before Kit-Cat knew what had happened, just like a geyser exploding from the ground, both he and the wizard shot upwards growing and growing and so fast that they burst out through the top of their prison cell as if it were paper and then, in the next instant, they were both standing on the table in the wizards house beside his microscope.
"Oh father! Father!", shouted the Wizards daughter happily, seeing that her father had returned safely, "Thank goodness you're back".
"Thanks to kit-cat and his yo-yo", said the Wizard
"Yo-yo?", asked the wizards daughter, scratching her head, confused.
But then Kit-Cat took out his yo-yo and showed Mervil and his daughter all the great tricks that he could do with it and they both agreed that Kit-Cat was by far the best yo-yoer they had ever seen.
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