The Man Who Was Afraid Of The Moon
By well-wisher
- 878 reads
Once a girl named Celine married a man called Adolphus who was terribly afraid of the moon.
He couldn't bear anything to do with it.
If he saw a picture of the moon in a book, even a children's picture book like 'Beauty and the Beast' he would claw it out and destroy it and they weren't allowed to have any picture's in their house with the moon upon it.
She had had to hide away the silver moon shaped pendant she had inherited from her mother because he couldn't bear the sight of it. He couldn't even bear to listen to his wife play Beethovens Moonlight Sonata on the piano because it reminded him too much of the moon.
But worst of all was when there was a full moon in the sky. Whenever that happened the man would lock himself into an upstairs room of their house and refuse to come out until morning.
And while the man was locked in the room, the woman would hear lots of snarling and growling animal sounds like there was a wolf in the room with her husband but when his wife banged upon the door and asked to be let in; asked if he was alright, he would just growl at her in an inhuman voice, "Go away! Go away please! Go away or I'll kill you".
One day however, because the woman could bear this strange behaviour no more, she had a copy of the key to the room made and when the next full moon came and the man locked himself away in the room, just as he was growling and screeching and howling like a wolf, the woman put the key in the lock of the room, turned it and entered.
At first, looking round, she could see nothing, she could only hear her husband panting like an animal from somewhere in the room and scratching at the wall.
But then, following the sound to its source, she saw something moving under a table and when she came closer she saw her husband naked under the table, crouched down like a four footed beast, growling and snarling.
But then turning his eyes up at her, bearing his teeth angrilly, a terrifying look in his eyes, he came out from under the table towards her.
Fortunately there was a circular mirror on the wall near to her and, grabbing hold of it, the woman pulled it down and held it infront of her husband, showing him his reflection.
"Look, Adolphus", she said, pressing the mirror close to his face, "You're not an animal. You're not a wolf. You're a human being".
And after seeing his reflection the man started to calm down and behave more like his normal self again.
Then the next day the woman took him to see a well known psychiatrist who diagnosed the man as suffering from lycanthropy, a form of psychosis where a person imagines that they are able to turn into a wolf.
Because there was no known medicinal treatment for psychotic illness at that time, the doctor suggested that the man be given a form of psychological cure, a silver charm to wear around his neck filled with common herbs and dried flower petals that he was told were wolfbane and would prevent him from turning into a wolf during a full moon.
After the man calmed down somewhat.
His wife even managed to get him to sit through her playing Debussy's Claire De Lune upon their piano and was allowed to hang up a print of Van Goghs Starry Night upon a wall of their house.
And when the next full moon came she convinced him not to lock himself in a room but to come outside and look at the moon reflected in a lake near their house.
They swam naked in the moonlit lake that night and afterwards they made wild, passionate love under the full moon.
Sometime after they had gone back inside the house and she had fallen asleep, however, the woman awoke and discovered that her husband was not beside her and she could hear the sound of Beethovens Moonlight Sonata coming from a victrola in a room downstairs.
Putting on her silver satin night gown and stepping warilly from her bedroom she looked around for a mirror she could hold up but then, the more she wandered through her house searching, she realised that all the mirrors upon all the rooms in the house had been broken.
She even stepped upon a small piece of the broken mirror and got it stuck in her foot.
As she was limping into her boudoir to remove the fragment from her foot with a pair of her eyebrow tweezers, however, she noticed that the mirror of her makeup table was still intact and, sitting at it she thought to herself,
"Perhaps if I unscrew the mirror from the table. I can use it to bring my husband to his senses".
And so, taking out her nail file, she leant over her makeup table and tried to use its flat end to unscrew the makeup mirror.
But as she was doing this, she heard a sound like an animal growling behind her and looking up, she saw her husband reflected in the mirror.
He was standing behind her, over her, a frightning look in his eyes.
He did no harm to his wife, however.
The human conscience within him stopped him from doing that for madness, however terrifying its grip, cannot dislodge true love from a persons heart.
Instead, he threw himself from an upstairs window and was found by his wife, later that night, lying outside their house in the moonlight.
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