Mr Morpheus 4 - American Dreams

By well-wisher
- 690 reads
"I'm sorry", said the masked superhero Dollar Bill landing upon the roof of a blazing, 110 story sky scraper that was teetering on the brink of collapsing to the people who had congregated there with their families hoping to be saved, "But I can only take those who are covered by Superhero insurance".
"What?", asked one of the people, a young woman who was hugging her two terrified children close to her chest, startled, "But you can't just leave us here. Thats inhumane, at least take my children".
"I'm sorry", said Bill, the golden dollar sign upon his green costume glowing as he spoke and creating golden parachutes for the more wealthy people on the rooftop to float safely to the ground, "But there's nothing I can do".
"This is very unamerican, don't you think?", said Mr Morpheus appearing, sitting on a cloud that was floating nearby wearing a pair of reading glasses and holding a copy of the US constitution in his hand.
"Whats unamerican about it?", scoffed Dollar Bill.
"Well in Article 1 section 8 of the American constitution, the Founding Fathers mention that the constitution is created "to promote the general welfare" of the American people", said Mr Morpheus, holding up the constitution for Dollar Bill to read.
"But the Founding Fathers didn't mean that the state should provide for everyone. They believed that every person was responsible for providing for themselves", said Dollar Bill.
"I know very well what they didn't mean but what they did mean by "General welfare" is that the federal government should not favour any special interest group or particular class of people. If you favour the interests of the rich and ignore those of the poor; if you refuse to treat everyone equally then that is just what you are doing", said Morpheus, "If you're going to save the rich, you have to save the poor aswell".
Dollar Bill reached into the glowing dollar sign upon his chest and pulled out a golden 44 Magnum pointing it at Mr Morpheus,
"Well while were on the subject of the constitution I think I'll excercise the rights granted to me by the second ammendment", said Dollar Bill firing a golden bullet towards the superheroes head.
Mr Morpheus raised the constitution infront of him deflecting the bullet,
"And I will respond to that by excercising the first ammendment", said Morpheus, "Which defends my right to the freedom of speech without fear of reprisal or punishment".
But then, his eyes widening with fear, Dollar Bill saw what looked like a giant round fruit materialize out of thin air and begin hurtling towards him.
"My god what is that?", said Dollar Bill just before the giant peach struck him in the face.
"Article 2, section 4 of the constitution", said Mr Morpheus with a grin, "Impeachment".
But then, turning towards the people on the burning building and using his dream powers, Mr Morpheus made the constitution in his hand grow until it became a giant floating platform onto which all the people could step and then, when the last person was on board, the constitution lowered itself as gently as a flying carpet to the ground.
"Thank you", said the mother who had complained to Dollar Bill earlier, hugging her children tight and looking relieved.
"Don't mention it", said Mr Morpheus, smiling, "As the constitution says "We the people". I'm one of the people too".
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A parable of contemporary
A parable of contemporary times for kids.And adults. Most original. Your speech seems to all be aligned far left, not sure if formatting' s gone astray.
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