The Tall Tale Of Ramm Hammersen - Part Two

By well-wisher
Tue, 25 Oct 2016
- 896 reads
When Ramm Hammersen awoke, the Bridgettine nuns and the Jesuit priest revealed themselves to be his three cousins and the strongman Stromboli.
"What happened to the army? Where am I? Where are you taking me?", he asked.
"We're taking you home with us where you belong, Ramm", they said.
Ramm said he didn't want to go with them but Stromboli took out a gun and held it pointed at him so he had no choice.
As they were crossing the lake however; up from under its dark surface came the monster of lake Storsjohn, a giant seaserpent with a runestone hanging around its neck.
Terrified, Stromboli fired his gun at the seaserpent but this only made the creature angry and, opening its jaws wide, it reared up like a hissing cobra, poised ready to strike and gobble up the rowing boat.
Fortunately, just as it struck, Ramm Hammersen leapt from the rowing boat and grabbed hold of the runestone that dangled from its neck, then while it was swallowing the boat, his three cousins and Stromboli down its ginormous gullet, Ram Hammersen climbed onto its back.
Ofcourse, then the monster dove below the surface of the lake and tried to drown Ram Hammersen but tugging upon the rope to which the runestone was fastened, Ramm used it like the reigns of a horse to control the seamonster and bring it back to the surface.
Then he steered Storsjöodjuret towards the edge of the lake and leapt off onto the bank and as he did, a piece of the rune stone broke off in his hand and a new rune appeared upon it so he kept it.
Then he ran back to join the army and they marched back to Stockholm.
In Stockholm he was presented to King Gustav of Sweden as a war hero and the King was told of his amazing strength and when the King heard of this he asked Ramm Hammersen if he could help him lift a curse that had been placed upon his daughter Princess Christiania by a witch.
"My daughter will die upon her 13th birthday which is tommorrow unless the curse is lifted but no one knows how to break the curse", he said.
Ramm Hammersen said he would try his best to help and so he was taken to see Princess Christiania and then he took out the piece of stone that had broken off of the runestone at lake Storsjohn and when he did, immediately the rune upon the stone started to glow and suddenly Ram Hammersen was not in the Royal palace in Stockholm anymore but in the Witches Kingdom, known in Sweden as Blockula.
It was a large meadow in which there stood a mansion and, entering the mansion he came to a large room in which there was a long table with witches sitting at it and 4 of the witches were his Aunt Inga and her three daughters and off to one side of the room was a smaller room containing little ornately decorated and beautiful beds.
Then the devil came out of that room dressed in the outfit of a gentleman with a high crowned hat and a long coat and gartered stockings.
"What do you want here?", asked the devil.
"I wish you to lift the curse placed upon Princess Christiana", he said.
"And why should I do that?", asked the devil.
"Because I challenge you to wrestle with me and if I win then you must release the princess from the curse", replied Ramm.
The devil frowned,
"Very well", he said, "But if I win you will remain here forever".
Then, the devil stroking upon his goatee beard, he transported them both to the meadow outside his house.
Then the devil launched himself upon Ramm, pinning him to the ground.
And the devils grip was so strong that, at first Ramm thought he would never break free of it but then suddenly, standing by their side he saw an angel appear and the angel was holding hands with a woman.
"Who are you?", he asked.
"I am your father", said the Angel, "And this is your mother Agnetha. We wanted to be here to see this proud moment when you defeat the devil and save your country".
"But I can't defeat him", said Ramm, "He is too strong".
"You will", said his mother, "It is your destiny. You must believe it".
So then, summoning up all of his strength, Ramm grasped hold of the devil by his goat horns and flipped him over onto his back.
Leaping to his feet, the devil then turned himself into a large billy goat and, lowering his horns, he charged towards Ramm.
As he was charging however, Ramm turned himself into a ram with curling horns and their heads butting together, the goat was knocked out, one of its long horns breaking off.
Seizing the horn, Ramm leapt upon the devil and raising it he threatened to stab the devil through his flaming heart unless he released Princess Christiana from her curse.
Reluctantly, the devil agreed and, turning himself into the serpent of Eden, slithered away in defeat.
Then when the sun rose and the Princess's 13th Birthday came and she didn't die, King Gustav knew that his daughter and the Kingdom of Sweden had been saved.
He asked Ramm what he wanted as a reward for his service and Ramm asked only to be given the land that his Aunt had owned but the king, thinking this reward too small for so great a Swedish hero, made him a lord.
And that would have been the end to the story had the devil not sought to have his revenge upon Ramm for defeating him and saving the princess by sending what the Swedes call a Nattmara; a female nightdemon to enter his room at night and sit upon his chest sucking the breath from him.
Fortunately, Ramm knew from the folk wisdom of his youth that the way to deal with a nightmare was with an iron horsehoe and, one night, sleeping with the horse shoe around his wrist, when the nightdemon tried to climb upon him, he grabbed hold of her and flipped her over onto her back climbing onto her.
Screaming and shrieking like a hellcat, the shedemon tried to break free but Ramm was too strong.
However, when Ramm brushed the long wild hair out of the she-demons eyes, he thought her very beautiful and so he became determined to save her soul.
Placing the iron horseshoe upon her wrist so that she couldn't move from the bed, he got down upon his knees on the floor beside the bed and started to pray for the demon.
And then, as he was praying, the angel that was his father descended to Earth, appearing in a haze of white light beside him.
"What are you praying for my son?", asked his father.
"To save the soul of this nightmare", said Ramm.
"But why?", asked his father.
"I would like to marry her, if Heaven would allow it", said Ramm.
"Well?", said his father, "It is unusual for an angel and a devil to marry but I can ask".
So then his father went back up to heaven; infact he went right to the innermost circle of Heaven and spoke to the heavenly father who is king of the universe.
And then, not a moment later, a beam of starlight stretched down through the window of Ramms bedchamber and, touching the she-demon upon the forehead, turned her from a demon into a human woman.
Then the demon, who Ramm had christened Margueritte, and he were married in a nearby church and lived together happily for the rest of their days.
"What happened to the army? Where am I? Where are you taking me?", he asked.
"We're taking you home with us where you belong, Ramm", they said.
Ramm said he didn't want to go with them but Stromboli took out a gun and held it pointed at him so he had no choice.
As they were crossing the lake however; up from under its dark surface came the monster of lake Storsjohn, a giant seaserpent with a runestone hanging around its neck.
Terrified, Stromboli fired his gun at the seaserpent but this only made the creature angry and, opening its jaws wide, it reared up like a hissing cobra, poised ready to strike and gobble up the rowing boat.
Fortunately, just as it struck, Ramm Hammersen leapt from the rowing boat and grabbed hold of the runestone that dangled from its neck, then while it was swallowing the boat, his three cousins and Stromboli down its ginormous gullet, Ram Hammersen climbed onto its back.
Ofcourse, then the monster dove below the surface of the lake and tried to drown Ram Hammersen but tugging upon the rope to which the runestone was fastened, Ramm used it like the reigns of a horse to control the seamonster and bring it back to the surface.
Then he steered Storsjöodjuret towards the edge of the lake and leapt off onto the bank and as he did, a piece of the rune stone broke off in his hand and a new rune appeared upon it so he kept it.
Then he ran back to join the army and they marched back to Stockholm.
In Stockholm he was presented to King Gustav of Sweden as a war hero and the King was told of his amazing strength and when the King heard of this he asked Ramm Hammersen if he could help him lift a curse that had been placed upon his daughter Princess Christiania by a witch.
"My daughter will die upon her 13th birthday which is tommorrow unless the curse is lifted but no one knows how to break the curse", he said.
Ramm Hammersen said he would try his best to help and so he was taken to see Princess Christiania and then he took out the piece of stone that had broken off of the runestone at lake Storsjohn and when he did, immediately the rune upon the stone started to glow and suddenly Ram Hammersen was not in the Royal palace in Stockholm anymore but in the Witches Kingdom, known in Sweden as Blockula.
It was a large meadow in which there stood a mansion and, entering the mansion he came to a large room in which there was a long table with witches sitting at it and 4 of the witches were his Aunt Inga and her three daughters and off to one side of the room was a smaller room containing little ornately decorated and beautiful beds.
Then the devil came out of that room dressed in the outfit of a gentleman with a high crowned hat and a long coat and gartered stockings.
"What do you want here?", asked the devil.
"I wish you to lift the curse placed upon Princess Christiana", he said.
"And why should I do that?", asked the devil.
"Because I challenge you to wrestle with me and if I win then you must release the princess from the curse", replied Ramm.
The devil frowned,
"Very well", he said, "But if I win you will remain here forever".
Then, the devil stroking upon his goatee beard, he transported them both to the meadow outside his house.
Then the devil launched himself upon Ramm, pinning him to the ground.
And the devils grip was so strong that, at first Ramm thought he would never break free of it but then suddenly, standing by their side he saw an angel appear and the angel was holding hands with a woman.
"Who are you?", he asked.
"I am your father", said the Angel, "And this is your mother Agnetha. We wanted to be here to see this proud moment when you defeat the devil and save your country".
"But I can't defeat him", said Ramm, "He is too strong".
"You will", said his mother, "It is your destiny. You must believe it".
So then, summoning up all of his strength, Ramm grasped hold of the devil by his goat horns and flipped him over onto his back.
Leaping to his feet, the devil then turned himself into a large billy goat and, lowering his horns, he charged towards Ramm.
As he was charging however, Ramm turned himself into a ram with curling horns and their heads butting together, the goat was knocked out, one of its long horns breaking off.
Seizing the horn, Ramm leapt upon the devil and raising it he threatened to stab the devil through his flaming heart unless he released Princess Christiana from her curse.
Reluctantly, the devil agreed and, turning himself into the serpent of Eden, slithered away in defeat.
Then when the sun rose and the Princess's 13th Birthday came and she didn't die, King Gustav knew that his daughter and the Kingdom of Sweden had been saved.
He asked Ramm what he wanted as a reward for his service and Ramm asked only to be given the land that his Aunt had owned but the king, thinking this reward too small for so great a Swedish hero, made him a lord.
And that would have been the end to the story had the devil not sought to have his revenge upon Ramm for defeating him and saving the princess by sending what the Swedes call a Nattmara; a female nightdemon to enter his room at night and sit upon his chest sucking the breath from him.
Fortunately, Ramm knew from the folk wisdom of his youth that the way to deal with a nightmare was with an iron horsehoe and, one night, sleeping with the horse shoe around his wrist, when the nightdemon tried to climb upon him, he grabbed hold of her and flipped her over onto her back climbing onto her.
Screaming and shrieking like a hellcat, the shedemon tried to break free but Ramm was too strong.
However, when Ramm brushed the long wild hair out of the she-demons eyes, he thought her very beautiful and so he became determined to save her soul.
Placing the iron horseshoe upon her wrist so that she couldn't move from the bed, he got down upon his knees on the floor beside the bed and started to pray for the demon.
And then, as he was praying, the angel that was his father descended to Earth, appearing in a haze of white light beside him.
"What are you praying for my son?", asked his father.
"To save the soul of this nightmare", said Ramm.
"But why?", asked his father.
"I would like to marry her, if Heaven would allow it", said Ramm.
"Well?", said his father, "It is unusual for an angel and a devil to marry but I can ask".
So then his father went back up to heaven; infact he went right to the innermost circle of Heaven and spoke to the heavenly father who is king of the universe.
And then, not a moment later, a beam of starlight stretched down through the window of Ramms bedchamber and, touching the she-demon upon the forehead, turned her from a demon into a human woman.
Then the demon, who Ramm had christened Margueritte, and he were married in a nearby church and lived together happily for the rest of their days.
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Full of twists and turns -
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Full of twists and turns - very filmic!
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