The Troll Prince
By well-wisher
Wed, 10 Jan 2018
- 1035 reads
Long ago, a wizard, in order to steal the throne of a handsome young prince, crept into his bed chamber and, whilst he and his wife were lying asleep, the wizard used magic to make himself look like the prince while, with the same magic, he turned the sleeping prince into a troll.
Then, shouting to the princess, he said,
"Wake up, princess. A monster is in our bed".
And, waking up and seeing not her husband but a troll beside her, his wife screamed.
Ofcourse the prince tried to explain that he was not a troll but her husband but, unfortunately, because he had been turned into a troll, he couldn't talk, only growl and snarl and that only made the princess more terrified.
Then drawing his sword, the wizard in the prince's form shouted for the palace guards.
"Guards! Guards!", he shouted, "Help!".
And when they came running in, because he did not know what else to do, the Troll-prince ran to a nearby window and leapt out of it.
Fortunately for the Troll-Prince he was so strong in his troll form that, even though the window he had leapt from was many feet from the ground, he landed safely.
But though the Prince was unhurt, now the wizard had possession of his throne and he was cursed to be a troll and so he fled into the forest to hide his ugly appearance.
And he spent many years living in the forest, feeling sad and lonely until, one day, while exploring, he found a cave with an entrance that was blocked by a ginormous boulder.
And because he now had the tremendous strength of a Troll, the troll prince used it to roll the giant boulder aside to see what was in the cave.
To his surprise however, a giant serpent came out of the cave and, hissing loudly and flicking a long tongue, it tried to eat him.
But then, picking up the boulder he had moved earlier, the Troll prince threw it at the serpent, striking it upon the head and killing it.
And the moment he did this, suddenly, out of the cave came a beautiful woman dressed all in green.
"I am the green fairy queen, Rosilla", she said, "Long ago, I was trapped in this cave by an evil wizard and could not escape because I was guarded by the evil serpent you have slain and sealed in by the rock you have moved".
Unfortunately, because he was a troll, the Prince could not speak, only growl but Rosilla seemed to understand him anyway and, using her fairy magic, she conjured up a magic golden necklace which, when she placed it around his neck, turned him back into his human form.
"I'm human again", the prince exclaimed happily.
"Only when you're wearing that magic necklace, I'm afraid", said Rosilla, "It was the best I could do to break the curse placed upon you".
"Well atleast I will be able to return to my palace and take my throne back from the evil wizard who stole it from me", said the Prince.
"Oh, well if its a wizard you're up against", said the green fairy, "You will need more than a magic necklace".
And saying that, she gave the prince a magic sword, shield, suit of armour and horse to ride upon.
And because his horse was magic the prince was able to travel to his palace at the speed of lightning.
Ofcourse, seeing him approaching, the guards upon the palace walls fired arrows at him and hurled stones and spears.
But because his suit of armour was magical, the stones, spears and arrows all passed harmlessly through him as if he were a ghost.
But then, using a catapult, they hurled a dragons egg at him that, landing on the ground infront of him broke open.
Then, up out of the egg rose a baby dragon that grew in an instant to the size of an adult and the dragon blew out fire from its mouth and icy wind from its nostrils.
Fortunately, because his shield was magic, the icy wind and fire of the dragon could not penetrate it and, flying upon his magic horse, he pierced the dragon through the heart with his magic sword and when he did, the dragon turned instantly to ice before melting away in the sun.
But then the prince flew upon his horse, over the high palace walls and, through a palace window right into the throne room.
The moment he did however the wizard turned back into his true form.
And seeing this, the princess and all the prince's courtiers and servants were astounded.
"You see", said the prince, "He was an impostor. I'm the real prince".
"It won't stop me from destroying you", said the wizard.
And drawing out a long wand from up the sleeve of his wizards robes, the wizard used the wand to make the princes sword disappear, then his shield, then his suit of armour, then his horse until, finally the prince was completely defenceless.
Then he used his wands power to bind up the prince in chains of iron that were so heavy that he was forced to sink to his knees under their weight and, unable to break free or to move, the prince began to despair.
"Now you have no hope left", gloated the wizard, standing over the kneeling prince and cackling evilly.
Just at that moment however, the prince remembered something and, smiling, he said,
"I'm not defeated yet. I still have my magic necklace".
Hearing this, the wizard grinned.
"Oh?", he said, pointing his wand at the necklace, "Well then I'll have to remove that aswell".
And saying that, the wizard magically made the Prince's necklace disappear.
The moment he did however, the prince turned back into the Troll and, with his Troll strength he burst free of his iron chains and, picking up the Wizard hurled him through the nearby window.
And this all happened so suddenly that the wizard didn't even have time to use his magic to save himself and, instead, fell to his death and when he did, the curse he had placed upon the prince was broken and he returned, finally and forever to his true human form.
After that the green fairy watched over the prince so that never again could any evil befall him and, reunited with his princess, the prince lived happily ever after.
Then, shouting to the princess, he said,
"Wake up, princess. A monster is in our bed".
And, waking up and seeing not her husband but a troll beside her, his wife screamed.
Ofcourse the prince tried to explain that he was not a troll but her husband but, unfortunately, because he had been turned into a troll, he couldn't talk, only growl and snarl and that only made the princess more terrified.
Then drawing his sword, the wizard in the prince's form shouted for the palace guards.
"Guards! Guards!", he shouted, "Help!".
And when they came running in, because he did not know what else to do, the Troll-prince ran to a nearby window and leapt out of it.
Fortunately for the Troll-Prince he was so strong in his troll form that, even though the window he had leapt from was many feet from the ground, he landed safely.
But though the Prince was unhurt, now the wizard had possession of his throne and he was cursed to be a troll and so he fled into the forest to hide his ugly appearance.
And he spent many years living in the forest, feeling sad and lonely until, one day, while exploring, he found a cave with an entrance that was blocked by a ginormous boulder.
And because he now had the tremendous strength of a Troll, the troll prince used it to roll the giant boulder aside to see what was in the cave.
To his surprise however, a giant serpent came out of the cave and, hissing loudly and flicking a long tongue, it tried to eat him.
But then, picking up the boulder he had moved earlier, the Troll prince threw it at the serpent, striking it upon the head and killing it.
And the moment he did this, suddenly, out of the cave came a beautiful woman dressed all in green.
"I am the green fairy queen, Rosilla", she said, "Long ago, I was trapped in this cave by an evil wizard and could not escape because I was guarded by the evil serpent you have slain and sealed in by the rock you have moved".
Unfortunately, because he was a troll, the Prince could not speak, only growl but Rosilla seemed to understand him anyway and, using her fairy magic, she conjured up a magic golden necklace which, when she placed it around his neck, turned him back into his human form.
"I'm human again", the prince exclaimed happily.
"Only when you're wearing that magic necklace, I'm afraid", said Rosilla, "It was the best I could do to break the curse placed upon you".
"Well atleast I will be able to return to my palace and take my throne back from the evil wizard who stole it from me", said the Prince.
"Oh, well if its a wizard you're up against", said the green fairy, "You will need more than a magic necklace".
And saying that, she gave the prince a magic sword, shield, suit of armour and horse to ride upon.
And because his horse was magic the prince was able to travel to his palace at the speed of lightning.
Ofcourse, seeing him approaching, the guards upon the palace walls fired arrows at him and hurled stones and spears.
But because his suit of armour was magical, the stones, spears and arrows all passed harmlessly through him as if he were a ghost.
But then, using a catapult, they hurled a dragons egg at him that, landing on the ground infront of him broke open.
Then, up out of the egg rose a baby dragon that grew in an instant to the size of an adult and the dragon blew out fire from its mouth and icy wind from its nostrils.
Fortunately, because his shield was magic, the icy wind and fire of the dragon could not penetrate it and, flying upon his magic horse, he pierced the dragon through the heart with his magic sword and when he did, the dragon turned instantly to ice before melting away in the sun.
But then the prince flew upon his horse, over the high palace walls and, through a palace window right into the throne room.
The moment he did however the wizard turned back into his true form.
And seeing this, the princess and all the prince's courtiers and servants were astounded.
"You see", said the prince, "He was an impostor. I'm the real prince".
"It won't stop me from destroying you", said the wizard.
And drawing out a long wand from up the sleeve of his wizards robes, the wizard used the wand to make the princes sword disappear, then his shield, then his suit of armour, then his horse until, finally the prince was completely defenceless.
Then he used his wands power to bind up the prince in chains of iron that were so heavy that he was forced to sink to his knees under their weight and, unable to break free or to move, the prince began to despair.
"Now you have no hope left", gloated the wizard, standing over the kneeling prince and cackling evilly.
Just at that moment however, the prince remembered something and, smiling, he said,
"I'm not defeated yet. I still have my magic necklace".
Hearing this, the wizard grinned.
"Oh?", he said, pointing his wand at the necklace, "Well then I'll have to remove that aswell".
And saying that, the wizard magically made the Prince's necklace disappear.
The moment he did however, the prince turned back into the Troll and, with his Troll strength he burst free of his iron chains and, picking up the Wizard hurled him through the nearby window.
And this all happened so suddenly that the wizard didn't even have time to use his magic to save himself and, instead, fell to his death and when he did, the curse he had placed upon the prince was broken and he returned, finally and forever to his true human form.
After that the green fairy watched over the prince so that never again could any evil befall him and, reunited with his princess, the prince lived happily ever after.
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Oh, this must be one of your
Oh, this must be one of your best! Enjoy reading these so much, I would have scoured the library for your stories when I was little
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A charming fairy tale
Permalink Submitted by Alice Hamilton on
A charming fairy tale expertly crafted. There is evidence of clear narrative, brisk pace and effective characterisation, as well as a strong message for children (and adults too!).
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