The Wizard and The Naughty Girl
By well-wisher
- 425 reads
Once upon a time a little girl was walking through the woods when she saw an old man asleep under a tree.
And looking at the old man she saw that he was wearing purple robes covered in golden stars and had a pointy purple hat upon his head and a long grey beard growing from his chin.
"He must be a wizard", she thought.
And then, lying by the wizards side, she saw a long stick.
"And that must be his magic wand", she thought.
Now the little girl was not a good little girl, infact she was a very naughty girl and the moment she saw the wizards wand all she could think about was the naughty tricks she could play with it.
So, creeping up quietly next to the wizard and, without waking him, she picked up the wand and ran away with it into the forest to do magical mischief.
Sometime later however, the wizard woke up and, looking round about him, wondered where his wand had gone.
He looked underneath him to see if he was sitting on it; he looked in the deep pockets of his magical robes; he even looked inside his pointy wizards hat but he couldn't find it anywhere.
"Someone has stolen my wand", he said, "While I was sleeping".
But who had stolen the wand, he wondered and where had they gone?
Just then however, he saw a little mouse crawl past with antlers on its head.
"A mouse with antlers?", he thought, "Thats very peculiar".
But then he asked the mouse,
"Mr Mouse. Why do you have antlers on your head?".
"A little girl did this to me", said the mouse, "With a magic wand".
"A magic wand?", asked the wizard.
Then the wizard realized what had happened to his wand, that the little girl must have taken it.
"Don't worry", said the Wizard, "I'll take away the antlers if you'll just tell me what direction the little girl went in".
"She went that way", said the mouse, pointing with its tail.
"Thank you", said the wizard, raising his hat courteously to the mouse.
Then, following the mouses direction, the wizard went off into the forest to find the little girl.
As he was walking through the forest however, he passed by many strange things.
First he saw a lion but the lion was not roaring, it was miaowing like a kitten.
"Excuse me", he asked the lion, "But did a little girl do this to you".
"Yes", the lion replied, "A horrid little girl with a magic wand. I roared at her the way lions are supposed to but she didn't like it and so she punished me by taking away my roar and making me miaow instead".
"Don't worry", said the wizard, "I'll get your roar back as soon as I find that little girl".
"I hope so said the lion", seeming very unhappy, "I can't miaow like a kitten. I'm king of the beasts".
Then the Wizard went a little further and he saw a hen and a rooster but the hen was crowing and the rooster laying eggs.
"Excuse me", he said to the rooster, "But did you see a little girl pass this way".
"Yes", the rooster replied, "An awful little girl with a magic wand and I was crowing just the way roosters are supposed to but the little girl said she didn't like my crowing and so she waved her magic wand and now my wife crows and I lay the eggs".
"I see", said the wizard, "Well that is a muddle but don't worry. I'll give you back your crow and your wife back her eggs as soon as I find that little girl".
Then the wizard passed by a fish with wings that was sitting in a tree and singing like a bird.
"Excuse me", he said to the bird, "But did a little girl give you those wings?".
"Yes", said the birdfish, "A terrible little girl with a magic wand. I was swimming happily in a stream the way fish are supposed to and she waved her wand, now I'm singing in a tree".
"Don't worry", said the wizard, "I'll make you a fish again as soon as I find that little girl".
Just then, however, up ahead, the wizard saw the little girl and his magic wand in her hand.
"So your the little girl who stole my wand", he said to her.
"Yes", she said arrogantly, "And what about it? You're not going to ask me to give it back are you because if you are then I'll turn you into a frog".
"Oh no", said the wizard, "Keep the wand by all means as long as your happy having a long grey beard".
"Long grey beard?", asked the little girl.
"Yes", said the wizard, "Like the one thats starting to grow upon your chin".
The little girl put her hand up to her chin and stroked it with her fingers and it was true, she was starting to grow a beard.
"Whats happening to me?", she asked, startled.
"Well because you've been using a wizards wand you're turning into a wizard", said the wizard, "And all wizards are old men with long grey beards".
"But I don't want to be an old man with a long grey beard", said the little girl.
"I'm afraid you'll have to be if you don't give me back my wand", said the wizard now with a little chuckle.
So the little girl gave the wand back to the wizard and the moment she did, the grey beard fell from her chin.
"I only wanted to play with it", she said to the wizard, now looking frightened, "Please don't turn me into a frog".
"Don't worry", said the wizard, "I don't mind you playing with my wand. You can play with it all you want just as long as you remember that it is my wand and not yours".
But then the wizard put everything right in the forest again, undoing all the naughty little girls mischievous spells. He took away the mouse's antlers and made the fish a fish again; he gave the hen back her eggs and the rooster back his crow and made the lion roar again the way a lion should and whenever the little girl wanted to play with the wizards wand she would always ask his permission first and always gave it back afterwards and so the wizard and the little girl became the very best of friends.
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