Hawthorn Realm 7 Part 1
By Wes
- 737 reads
Efa walked to the Professor, slipping her hand into his.
"Reamon, Peter will be fine." She rested her head on his arm.
The professor gave a small nod but continued staring towards the sky where the battle was taking place, small tendrils of black smoke curled upwards, flashed gold, then vanished.
"I know my love, but I can't help worrying. There's so much at stake."
Efa tightened her grip on his hand. "Peter and his men are holding their own, and the Fey are countering the dark magic. Listen."
The sounds of heavy fighting had subsided, only the occasional echoes of metal striking metal riding on the air.
The professor swung Efa around and pulled her into a tight embrace. “You’re right of course, what would I do without you?”
Efa, who barely reached his chin, smiled. "Let’s hope that day never comes about."
"Ewww, get a room you two. On second thought,” Arianwyn looked pointedly at the professor “We have laws on the books; your flat should have bars on the windows.”
The professor released Efa who walked over to Arianwyn. Laughing, she took both her hands into hers. "Welcome back. It’s not what you think. We'll explain later. How are you feeling?"
"Fine, I guess. Bit of a headache though.” Arianwyn wobbled unsteadily.
"Better sit for a minute." Efa lowered her to a large flat rock.
Arianwyn didn't resist and once seated buried her head in her hands, rubbing her temples
with her thumbs.
Efa knelt down in front of her, "Ari do you...”
"Efa !" The professor’s voice was sharp. "We have company."
Efa was on her feet standing near the professor in the blink of an eye. "Friend or foe?"
"Three guesses. He replied as three cloaked figures stepped out of the darkness.
"I'd say they're not with the welcome wagon."
"More to the point, I'd say they’re with the unwelcome wagon."
The professor flexed his fingers. "Better change into something appropriate."
Stepping back, Efa was cloaked by darkness. A heartbeat later she was again at the professor’s side, clothed in leather armor, hair tied behind her head.
In one smooth motion she removed an arrow from the quiver on her back. Black bow in hand, she nocked the arrow, its tip glowing a faint blue.
Three more cloaked figures stepped out of the shadows. One waved his arm, and a ring of fire surrounded the garden.
Maudlin, one of the figures pushing back his cloak’s cowl stepped forward. He had red hair, and a fair complexion. His voice smooth but cold. He gave a small bow. “So good to see you Arch-druid."
" Rory. I figured you'd show up sooner or later. Save the platitudes for someone who cares."
"All we want is the girl."
"I'm afraid that's not possible. She's under my protection now."
The corners of Rory's mouth twitched. "I was hoping you wouldn't be reasonable." He gestured and three more figures stepped into view.
"Nine to two. How do you want this to play out Maudlin? Personally I hope you ....”
Rory stopped in mid-sentence as Peter, sword in hand and two of his men carrying bows, walked into the clearing.
All three wore leather armor similar to Efa’s.
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Very nicely done, Wes, and
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