Project on Meditation - Day 1
By windrose
- 1283 reads
Project on meditation is an experiment to find what you goanna dream
once you’re dead. Not it matters to me coz I’m already dead. Sometimes I want to go back and tell the jury they got the wrong man.
I don’t have to. I don’t bother now. They can never get the right man.
I thought I feel a breeze pinning my shoulder just in a patch. Yeah,
I feel now. It’s cold. I’m standing on the beach, splashing splashing – that’s the sound of the wind or the waves
…rubbing on earth.
No, no sun. It’s cloudy. I see open air. (paus_ that’s “pause” as in a real life situation.) Yes, on the beach…cold and cloudy…. I am wearing a coat…the waves touch the shore and I see no horizon beyond…just clouds and bright space. No one around. I see stripes of white foam. It’s the waves…rolling in and rolling out.
I don’t see the monitor. I don’t use a computer either.
I see the waves and it’s cold.
Hmmm! Nobody hears me. Nobody sees me. You know, I can shift back to younger days if I want to.
How ‘bout a my day with ma buddy…in school.
I see a truck and the farmyard…
Not now. …Little embarrassing even in death.
Not going to the farm now
This breezey world. Yeah now I am here. Cloudy sky, shores, water,
white foam, tides and air….yes air, cold air. Very cold.
No sun but beach and ample lot of light. So what did I do here!
yeah the beach….(now the lite of my pc is disturbing…can’t think_) (also speeling error….) type now…
Am I a writer! I did that! Whait a minute. You don’t get digrees for writing. No.
oh yeah the beach is fine. It’s cold. Splashing splashing…u hear!
Splashing splashing of the waves. Not only u hear motor sounds….you can also hear the waves splashing splashing. Coz u lie down just below the rise.
It’s splashing in ouryears. MY bungalow behind me. It is …no sun but clouds and close to sunset. Not dark/so much light.
Nobody is in my bungalow. It’s a single bungalow in this part of the small island. Actually, low eyeland. Bushes around me and orange clouds above. Green shrubs. Cold Breeze…and pinning.
Shady cool. Not because of trees. It’s only bushery around. It’s because there is no sun and shadows are so long. Close to late afternoon. ….yes…orange…light and green. Bungalow stands on limestone rocks.
Cloudy roof, well…u know, this dream is cool.
I can shift to my buddy days if I want to. But no.
I stay sticking to this place.
The shore.
Sometimes u might think thisi s horrible. Yeah why bother…I’m just dreaming. Not good phrasing either. Stuck you! The door of my bungalow got glass panels with white curtains.
Too cold is not good.
It’s not so cold.
No …not chilly either.
Am I doing work of literature!
Why bother…
Wait a minute! How many brothers did I have!
One own and three fake half brothers. Peace be God!
(dropped keyboard to the laps)
U know, this sort of writing…u don’t check gremmar.
oN yhr beach, the shore.
…when I was young I was rather a half lonely man. I always wondered about dreams. …it’s ecstacy. U just dream. U don’t give up.
Now here I am…dreaming. I choose any dram…any feel. Any place. Yes I can be with people too…anyone…but rather
I prefer to sty quiet…alone and just dream.
In your own world on your own mind.
Feel the breeze, eat any thing…smell ….all perfume. Yeah I stay for a while longer.
The bungalow on my back is a single small hut. All white sand around.
Only bushes. …and when u look at that….if u’re watching! The sand is
orange because of the sunrays. That’s sand.
No. I’m just lying down.
…I don’t have to piss. I don’t do that.
On the shore I smell herbs. Orange smell of the herbs. Only herbs.
Dry …coral…herbs. That’s orange smell. Yeah the sky is never too hot.
Are you high on dope!
What crap!
If ou want to keep a diary…keep one like this. Write down your thoughts. It’s called thoughts reading. And writing…whaterver.
Actually, my pc is doing the spell checking…otherwise I write more spelling error.
In the islands O don’t get the light. No electricity. So it’s dark …very dark in the night. It’s odd to have my pc …the monitor.
In the islands…we don’t have one.
The rest is switched off. Coz my job is just resting.
When u feel cold, U get it in the toes first.
It’s a high feeling.
You know what I mean!
People will be reading my writings if I type them down. LOL
Long pause…
There is no sun…just light. Good light. Yeah, white sandy shores. Very wet out there. I’ve been hanging here for a while.
…the mexico farm!
They chase the livestock…yeah…it’s done here too. We chase the livestock. That’s on a day we have a feast.
No. I don’t feel hunger…no…
Never thirtsty.
People wouldn’t know they are reading a dead man’s dream…because…they criticize
They say what a horrible book.
It is.
Whether u believe it or not; (I prefer to use a semi-colon) this is a dead man’s tale.
…I’m on the shore….when am I going to another place!
You know my sex symbol! The big crush!
Wait a minute. I’m not going to reveal any secret.
…that is if they know this comes from me. They’ll check the date of death and here I am. Where I can dream almost any dream
They will say this is crap.
It is indeed. I know.
The shades are pale. No horizon. Just clody sky.
Orange lights on the beach.
Do I have work tomorrow!
No. tomorrow is a holiday. I can just lie down. I don’t work.
I dream…
How am I go-ing to send this book to the world…true earth!
Through the seams of the coffin…under a nail.
So…the shrubs got tiny yellow flowers…orange. If a speedboat passes by…I hear its motor engine and splashing splashing…of the waves. I’m lying on the beach…slightly under its belly. Usually…I luv to stay alone.
It’s quiet…
Cool…the feel is cool.
(change mood)
LOL…I’m writing that to da people…survivors.
My mood is cool now. Silent…blue… late afternoon. A seashore and orange sky.
Anytime…anytime…I can go back to my buddy days.
But now it’s the shore.
Nobody around….
Just my bungalow and me. Beachside bungalow.
Death is cool…feels like I’m on dope…high
I haven’t saved the document……
U know the sand on the beach is orange. I shud remember that.
But it’s white sand. And sunrays falling…
Climate change! LOL. I can change my moods. Any dream any where any time. In any climate. It doenst matter. I can feel what I want. In this timeless life…u do one thing. Dream. U do right. Ddream.
I can change my mood so much from buddy life to…chilly nights. Chilly nights! That’s crap. Edit.
….say I can be in the middle of a dance floor. And they all look around at me. U know I do everything so good. They think I’m great.
As a human…I had a very lonely life. Theres not much to talk about. Now…now…I am not working, not earning a living. U know…it’s cool to be dead. I deserve that and rest in peace. All u do here is to dream and ….just don’t care about human. And the world. Shit! In life ///I mean… I was cool. But now I am cooler.
Yeah I mentioned farms…but no
Not in the mood for it…I stick with the shores. It’s cool here and lonely. Now I want to be alone and think.
What’s the art of dreaming!
It doesn’t have any art.
Long pasue) LOL
Wrong spelling
That’s more back to real life.
I am on the shore. Cool…I can watch my family. If they suffer I do suffer.
No…haven’t been inside the bungalow yet.
You know…when u catch a breeze…u must feel it pinning in you. Make sure they don’t catch you.
Memories. If u refer to memories…the earthman is talking crap. They don’t actually mean anything by memories. Only when a dead man talks about memories, it really becomes memories in its meaning. Because I can really, actually, have a memory.
What will Nelson Mandela think of when he’s dead!
I say…he spent a silver jubilee in jail and eight years of sleep. He’s lonely like me. So maybe he’ll make up some memories when he’s dead. Memories of that lonesome wall of his cell…too little many things to dream of when he comes to this world. The world of dreams. He’s going to make some. I know. Lonely guys never come short of dreams.
Here you know, when u dream, u can actually…feel.
Some people won’t like it. People///lol
I fear people. They don’t let me rest.
I can feel some coldness in my toes. Sometimes u need a comfortable bed to dream of when u lie down. So remember to bringa bed with your dreams when u come to the grave.
With this feeling…u never grow hungry. Is it a joke orhumour in the phrase that made u laughing. (you know what. I don’t like you laughing because I am not in the mood for that. I’m me.) And the typeset got no question mark because I don’t have to ask anything.
It’s better to keep away from trouble even in this life. Try to avoid troublesome guys. Go your own way coz I am a free man. And I am in command. I control other people. I control my dreams. I control myself. I control the surrounding. I control anything.
Music! Wait a minute! Do you listen to music in death!
I wonder. Is it a good idea! Yeh I can listen…maybe I try that too but…
Not now…
I’m cold.
I sit down by the shrubs…on the beach…I feel this white sand is boring me right now. Too much of anything is not good for my
Lemme think….choose a dream…new choice. Always new choices/
On the feasting days, we catch livestock in our best dresses. We chase them down the village. Eat from many houses on the island. And yeah it comes to dark nights….
Often no electricity in the islands, I brouhgt dreams without electricity.
…I never needed much electricity…never in my life.
Some dreams are so bright I can make the place glow. Electricity comes out under the eyelids. But I don’t even need to do that…coz I’m only dreaming…restoring my energy.
I like cool dreams…in my own world on my own mind.
That’s if u can connect an internet link to my dreamworld.
Hey I’m hungry
(Meditation stops here)
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