The Speech Writer Pt. 5
By XxMysterioxX
- 175 reads
Mara was Pearl's best friend. That was how it had been since basically forever. They met in grade two because of Manyo. He was being mean to Pearl and Mara had totally stood up for her. Mara shot 2nd grade type remarks and burns at Manyo until he was curled up in a ball crying. Pearl had felt bad for him then, but now she was glad he had felt some sort of hurt in his life. Especially as Pearl told everything to Mara's horrified face.
"There was this message on my computor." Pealr whispered, worried that someone might hear her voice through the thin walls of her middle-class house. "It said I have to give up my speech writing position or this person would relese our secret."
Mara ran her fingers through her short hair like she used to when she was younger and there was some sort of big test. If anything, Pearl knew all of Mara's little quirks. When she was anxious, Mara ran her hands through her long hair. Pearl also knew that Mara was getting frustrated at her hair because she couldn't twist it up or do anything with it because it was too short.
"Danm." She finally said sitting up. "That means someone knows the message too. Not just the secret, but the actual damn message."
"That doesn't matter. What mattres is that only you, me, and the outermost sectors know this how to crack the message, and none of the sectors would risk hurting the plan."
"For getting second place, you don't know a damn thing about other people do you." Pearl sighed. Mara was getting angry now too, she could tell because of Mara's language. "It's not that hard to decose a message that uses the first word of every speech."
"SHHH!" shushes Pearl, looking around frantically. She had checked her home for listning devices and cameras, but found none. Even then one never did know if the Queen was really listning or not.
"Relax, everybod's still at work, your fine." Mara soothed, rolling her eyes. Her voice quieted down anyways.
"I was thinking it was Manyo." Pearl theorised. "I mean the message does have an M at the end for the initial for whom it's from. Except it really could be anybody."
"OMG you're so right! He got first so duh, he'd decode the message with ease. He also has motive to want your position because usually that's reserved for first person. Also did you like, see how angey he was graduation day? Pearl you solved it! YOu are such a genius. I know I can always count on you!" Mara hugged me excitedly. "Now we need to find that backstabbing job thief, take all of his weapons out of his house, point a gun at him and question him, threaten him, and bam! You don't have to worry about crap! Go team BFF, rght?"
Pearl smiled at the old phrase they used. 'Team BFF'. she liked having her BFF beside her again even after all those years. Maybe Mara could even stay after this whole mess is over and they can visit that ice cream shop by the aquarium and then go watch the fish for hours every weekend like they used to. Pearl wanted things to be like they used to so badly, and maybe they could, just for a little while. When Mara and Pearl were younger they felt like they could take on the world when they were together. Pearl knew deep down that no matter what happned to them, that feeling would never go away, no matter what.
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