Tupac, "To Live or Die, I survive, but with a story to tell."
By Zokaya
- 7963 reads
More than 10 years has elapsed since Tupac Shakur was reportedly shot and killed in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas. Strangely, after all this time, no one has been arrested for the apparent murder of one of Hip Hops most talented, controversial and prolific stars, so the case remains officially unsolved.
Literally, countless of theories have been advanced over the years as to why and who might have been responsible for pulling the trigger that administered the fatal blow. However, they all failed to hold any water owing to lack of evidence. They merely allowed the media to have a field day while the credibility gap widened and the truth of what actually happened is further obscured.
As incredible as it may sound to you, the truth is that Pac is still breathing. He was not murdered as you and the entire world was led to believe. He and his conspirators carefully orchestrated the events of September 7th and September 13 1996. At the outset, it seemed like a farfetched story or a screenplay for a Hollywood Blockbuster, but as I delved further into the mystery surrounding his apparent murder, it became clearer that it constituted a conspiracy beyond the worlds imagination. After you have read what I am about to share with you, I hope it will cause you to look at the situation with a more questioning eye.
It is claimed that there are strong evidence that Pac is dead. However, in a recently conducted survey, it was revealed that a staggering 80% of his fans believe is still alive. The so-called evidence that he is dead is questionable, whereas those supporting the fact that he is alive are overwhelming. The purpose of this book is to share with you the compelling reasons why such a large percentage of his fans believe he is still breathing.
A year after Pacs purported death, Sergeant Manning, who led the investigation for the Las Vegas Metro police, remarked to a reporter the latest development in this case) are there are no developments. He further added, There is nothing going on with this case. No suspects. Nothing.
What a pathetic and shameless response from the person who was responsible for bringing the supposed perpetrator/s to justice.
Ten years later and the progress in the case have not changed much. Nevertheless, what account for this? You may be tempted to ask. Some people believe the police was not eager or interested to solve the case owing to Pacs anti-police sentiments, his glorification of violence and his general infamy. Others believe it is due to lack of cooperation from witnesses.
The truth is the police will never be able to solve the case even if they were elevated to the status of super cops. No amount of witness cooperation will aid the effort. In other words, the case is unsolvable. The alleged shooting incident and the surrounding circumstances, bears the hallmark of a carefully and covertly orchestrated plot for Pac to fake his death then disappear. For a moment, think about it for yourself: a barrage of gunshots was fired. One man was left dead. After almost 10 years, no arrest has been made. There are no suspects, no plausible leads and no motives. And despite the fact that there were literally hundreds of witnesses on the scene, including Pacs entourage, everyone said they saw nothing. The police appeared clueless and handicapped to move the case forward.
The truth is, there are far too many blatant secrecies, inconsistencies and unusual circumstances for what we have been led to believe about Pacs death, to be true. Apart from those who have knowledge about the scheme and those who participated in it, no one might be able to accurately fit the pieces in the puzzle but we can question what happened and read between the lines.
In an interview with Eldridge Cleaver, former Minister of Information for the radical Black Panther Party, of which Pacs mom was a member, he shared his thoughts about what happened that night with the interviewer:
And thats why it was such a blow, (Pacs liquidation), and many people think that it was the COINTELPRO that took him ..but that doesnt hold up because anybody who knows Las Vegas knows that after the Mike Tyson fight there, there is no way that anybody could pull up alongside another car, shoot them and drive away, because its gridlocked for blocks around there, man. So that is not what happened. Theres more to it than that.
The Mysterious 7s
For no apparent reasons, Pac seems to have been highly fascinated with the number 7 and 13. There are countless numerological coincidences of both numbers in his works and the circumstances surrounding his death which led many fans to believe that they present important clues about what happened. First, I will explain the 7-Day Theory, and then I will explain how the recurrences of the number 13 further explain the plot.
Pacs age at the time of his death was 25; 2 + 7 = 7. The Don Kiluminat: 7 Day Theory, the first album to be released after his death was so subtitled, because, as indicated by the Outlaws, Pac recorded it in 7 days.
The Outlaw Immortalz was formed by Pac after his release from prison. There were originally 7 members in the group. In Blasphemy, which is track 5 on the album, a woman introduced the song by saying:
Unless the lord does return in the next 7 days, then well see you next time.
Most fans also believe that the wind-like sound in Hail Mary from the same album, is actually 7 years.
Pacs shooting incident took place on the 7th of September 1996. he survived 7 days them died; 7th(1), 8th(2), 9th(3), 10th(4), 11th(5), 12th(6) and 13th(7). The reported time of death was 4:03pm; 4 + 0 + 3 = 7. Why was the reported time of death not some other time that did not add up to 7; for instance, 4:01, 4:04, 3:59 or even 4:02.
As mentioned earlier, Pacs All Eyez On Me CD was was released February 13 1996. He then disappeared September 13 1996. This is exactly 7 months apart.
Even Pacs mom, Afeni Shakur, bless her, has made a contribution to the strange incidences of the number 7. She is quoted in the October 2003 issue of the hip hop magazine XXL as saying, he was revived 7 times in the hospital after which I prayed that he would not be revived again.
The tattoo cross that appears on Pacs back, Exodus 31:16, implicates that so the people rested on the 7th day.
At the beginning of the song White Mans World, someone quietly says 7 Years, 7 years, 7 years .. listen to the song closely for yourself.
Pacs second post-humous album R U Still Down was released November 25 1997. When the two numbers in date, 2 and 5, are added, the result is 7. The first video to be released from the album was I Wonder If Heaven Got A Ghetto. In the video, Pac entered room number 7 in a hotel. According to the clock on the wall, the time then was 4:03. This is the official time of Pacs supposed death in real life. The result of adding (4), (0) and (3) is 7.
In the Toss It Up video,Pac is seen breaking a mirror for no apparent reason. Breaking a mirror is deemed 7 years of il-luck in many cultures.
The eerie numerological coincidence of 7s also appeared in Pacs post-humously released movies. For instance, in Gridlockd, Pac and Tim Roth enquire about sandwiches of the cook in a restaurant. The cook indicates the menu that shows all the Ls as upside-down 7s.
Pac and Jim Belushi played the role of infamous police detectives. The actor who played the role of a poor, homeless man who has been missing for 7 years. Pacs badge number is 115, (1) + (1) +(2) = 7. At one point, he and Belushi waited in room number 7.
The Mysterious 13
Pacs purported death was on September 13 1996. It was actually Friday the 13th. Numerous famous people died on this day. In their case, it might have been sheer coincidence but for numerous reasons, Pacs case is questionable. Friday the 13th has been viewed with superstition for centuries across a diversity of cultures. Therefore, any event that occurs on this day is likely to be imprinted on peoples mind for a very long time. It will make them think about what happened; how and why. This is one of the principal reasons why Pac chose this day because he wanted his fans to remember what happened, question it and read between the lines. In other words, it was supposed to provide one of the vital clues that he had indeed staged the whole events, and is therefore, still alive.
Thats what friends are for
If you recall, Pac was reportedly shot after leaving the Mike Tyson and Bruce Seldon bout. I mentioned this now because it would appear that Tyson played a role in Pacs scheme to fake his death. Why would he do this? Well, he and Pac were two great friends. The mutual respect and admiration that they had for each others talent and achievements were boundless.
Tyson was an ardent fan of Pac music. Infact, he was one of the first fans that queue up in a record store in Las Vegas to purchase Pacs 7 Day Theory when it was released in November 1996. He was also one of the many celebrities who wrote Pac during his incarceration. In an interview before his release, Pac described a social project that he and Tyson would be collaborating on to help street kids.
Pac, on the other hand, Pac was a great admirer of Tysons boxing prowess. With high regard, he mentioned Tyson repeatedly in the lyrics of his songs. In virtually all of his bouts, Tyson chose Pacs music as his entry song. Pac recorded an exclusive rendition of Ambition As A Rider for Tyson bouts. It was entitled Ambition As A Fighter. He wrote two other songs in honour of Tyson: Wrote The Glory and Knock You Out. Infact, the latter was the song that blared over the loudspeakers as Tyson entered the ring for the bout with Seldon on September 7 1996.
Tyson was also a great friend of Suge Knight, the executive producer for Death Row. The two were such great friends that Tyson persuaded Suge to purchase a house in Las Vegas in April 1996. Incidentally, the house in question, was a mere two doors away from Tysons home.
At the Tyson/Seldon bout on September 7 1996, Pac and Suge were, unsurprisingly, special guests who sat in the front row. They smoked cigars, signed autographs and waved at fans in the audience. After Tyson demolished Seldon in 109 seconds both guests personally congratulated Tyson with open embraces.
Pac was very impressed with Tyson spectacular victory. He was so overwhelmed that even when he was approached by a reporter to get his views, he found it difficult to control his excitement. He jumped up and down like a kid in a candy store.
Did yall see that? he blared out in exhilaration. Fifty punches I counted. Fifty punches. I knew he was gonna take him out. We bad like that. Come outta prison and we running shit. Eventually, Suge had to coax him away from the camera.
Pac was released the previous year from prison after serving time for a rape conviction and his All Eyes On Me CD, which was released in February 1996, had top the chart.
It was hours after the Tyson fight that Pac was reportedly shot. It was a rescheduled fight. The original date was July 13 1996. It was merely few days after proclaiming that he was fit and well prepared for the fight that Tyson claimed that would have to pull out of the fight because he was suffering from bronchitis. His doctor claimed that he had been ill from two weeks before and was recovering, but he would not have enough time to prepare for the fight properly.
If he had been ill for such a long time as his doctor claimed why didnt Tyson make an announcement much earlier? Why did he announced that he was ill two days after he publicly stated that he was fit and ready for the fight.
I could be wrong and if I am, I apologise but it would appear that Tyson feigned his illness to facilitate Pacs plans. There are numerous possible reasons why this gesture would have been necessary. For instance, Pac might have needed more time to tie all the loose ends so that his plans could run seamlessly, therefore not arousing suspicions. Faking ones death has to be quite an elaborate scheme and he may have discovered that he needed more time to fine tune it than he had initially anticipated. It is also possible that things were going wrong at the last minute and he needed more time to correct them. The possibilities are endless. But whatever the reasons were, Tyson played a very important role.
The other possible reason might have been to create a bigger impact. July 13 1996 was a Saturday, whereas, September 13 1996 was a Friday. Friday the 13, needs no introduction. It is widely believed that any Friday that falls on the 13th day of a month will be ill fated. The superstition originates from the idea that there were 13 people at the last supper of Jesus, who was crucified on a Good Friday. Psychologists discovered that some people are prone to falling ill or having accidents on Friday the 13th.
Some famous people who actually died on Friday the 13th include Benny Goodman, Maya Deren and Lilly Pons. But what about Pac? I dont think so. He is probably the first famous person to fake his death on Friday the 13 though.
The rescheduled date of the fight was September 7 1996. This was the date on which Pac was reportedly shot. If Pac was believed to have been shot on July 7 and then died on July 13, which was a Saturday, it would have arouse significantly less interest than if he was believed to have been shot on September 7 and then died on September 13, which was a Friday. Besides, July 7 1996 was actually a Sunday. I have never heard of a boxing bout being staged on a Sunday before. So July 7 1996 would have been very inconvenient day for the two friends.
The hasty postponement of the Tyson/Seldon bout from July 13 1996 to September 13 1996 was the third time in his previous five scheduled fights that Tyson was either postponing or cancelling a fight. Whatever his motives for previous bouts, it would appear the one in question was done as a gesture towards his friend Pac.
He would not have cancelled the fight on that occasion because Pac deliberately wanted the faking of his death to be carried out at the end of a Tyson fight. The entire world would be watching so the impact would be greater. Infact, I think the original date for the fight, July 13, was Pacs idea and Tyson was more than willing to obliged. After all, thats what friends are for. An excerpt from one of Pacs interview explains why he went to the extent of faking his death but also why he choose the Tyson/Seldon fight as the event that everyone will associate with his death.
2Pac: I always want to do the extreme. I want to get as many people looking as possible.
This may have been one of his reasons for naming his first double CD as All Eyes On Me.
For a moment, think about this; the original date for the heavy-weight bout was July 13 1996. The fight was rescheduled to September 13 1996, the date on which Pac reportedly died. Before the date of the fight was rescheduled, it would appear Pacs plan was to be reportedly shot and killed on July 13 1996. They might have seen some flaws in that when viewed in light of the overall plan. For instance, would his family and friends cremate his body on July 14 1996? It would seem too sudden and quick, and therefore, suspicious. His body was reportedly cremated on September 14, the day after he reportedly died. This has been widely viewed with great suspiscion owing to the apparent haste. However, it would have aroused significantly more suspicion if he was murdered on July 13th then suddenly cremated on the 14th.
From the KMEL Report Newsletter
Tyson was the man of the moment in boxing in 1996. He was greatly feared by his opponents. Knocking them out in the first couple of minutes of the bout became his claim to fame. Therefore, his bouts were guaranteed sell-outs and he would have the whole world glued to their television sets. Pac was aware of that. That was good news for him, because he wanted as many people looking as possible. It was even better for him because Tyson was his friend and would therefore, be willing to play a role in pulling off his stunt. After all, isnt that what friends are for?
If you recall, Pacs introduction for Ambition As a Ridah is lets get ready to Rummbbbllle. This is the introduction that is normally given by the ringside announcer just before a heavy weight bout commences. It is uncanny that Pacs shooting incident took place after a heavy weight bout.
About three days after Pacs supposed death, Death Row released the video for I Aint Mad At Cha. In the video, he was shot and killed by unknown assailants after he exited a theatre with a friend. He was later seen at a reunion party with other African-Americans artistes such as Nat King Cole, Louis Armstrong, Sammy Davis Junior, Danny Hathaway, Jimi Hendricks, Marvin Gaye, Miles Davis and Billie Holiday.
This is similar to how he was reportedly killed in real life. Strangely enough, Pac actually directed this video himself about a month before the incident occurred. Except for a slight graze in the head, Suge was not injured. In the video, Pacs friend was not injured in the shooting incident either.
The song Aint Mad At Cha was track number 13 on his then All Eyez On Me CD which was released February 13 1996.
In the lyrics of Troublesome 96, unreleased track from the Greatest Hits CD, Pac referred to a young man who died at 13 because he yearned to bang. It is submitted that dead at 13 means on the 13th and not at the age of 13.
In the song Lil Homiez from the Until The End Of Time CD, he told a story about a young man who was mad at the world because he came from a broken home. At the end of one of the verses he said 16, 15, 13, Lil Homie. Why didnt he mention 14 or 12 instead of 13? I think he was emphasizing the number 13 for a particular reason.
According to the police and witnesses, on the night when Pac was supposedly shot, a volley of about 13 shots from a high calibre gun, ripped through the BMW in which both he and Suge were riding.
In her Book Who Killed Tupac Shakur, Cathy Scott, stated that Kadafi, the sole witness to Pacs shooting and a member of his group Outlawz Immortalz, was killed on November 13 1996.
Why Explain the Game When N** ain't Listening
Pacs apparent fascination with the numbers 7 and 13 has to be more than just coincidences or marketing ploys. Clearly, a great deal of thought and planning had been expended in their implementation and operation. The reason for this might have been to boost records and video sales and, most importantly, to assure with subtlety, Pacs fans that he was not killed. This explains why Death Row hurriedly released the videos; All Eyes On Me, Toss It Up and Smile. If you look carefully, you will notice that most of Pacs post-disappearance releases and promotional materials have been deliberately manipulated with an apparent view to perpetuate the Pacs dead or alive theories, which in turn, amplify interest in his works.
In an interview with Kevin Powell from Vibe Magazine in 1995, Pac noted that nobody appreciated Vincent Van Gogh work until he was dead .and was worth millions now.
Against this backdrop, it can be seen that Pac was aware that if everyone thought he was dead, this would be an impetus for them to buy more and more of his materials. Other contemporary artist who enjoyed enormous post-humous success and cult status include Aaliyah, Nirvanas Kurt Cobain and last but not least, Pacs arch rival, the Notorious Big. Pacs ambitious scheme was about money, recognition and power. In one of his songs he said that when he dies, he wants to be a living legend.
Pac knew exactly what he was doing. As mentioned before, at the time of his death in September 1996, he had over 150 unreleased songs on tape. In order to get them done, he became a tireless workaholic in the previous 12 months prior to that. In addition, he also left behind 2 unreleased movies and 3 unreleased albums. Why would he be working so assiduously to complete so much material in so little time? He did it because he had a Plan. In his own words, he had a mission to complete. Even the Outlaws, his backup rappers, found it difficult to keep up with his work ethic pace. Have you noticed that were replaced by a guest artist, Badass, on the track Krazy from the Don Kiluminati album. They took too long to write their individual verses and Pac was not prepared to wait on them.
I will now share with you an excerpt from an interview that MTV conducted with Ernest Dickerson, the director of Juice; a movie in which Pac played the lead role.
Ernest: I think hes very introspective. When were shooting Juice, in between takes, he would spend time by himself, writing. You know, he thinks a lot. He thinks about whats happening in the world, he thinks about whats going on in the neighbourhoods. He thinks about whats going on in the country and around the world.
On a typical day like the one Ernest describe there, Pac would probably have video shoots later in the afternoon. In the night, he would be in the studio recording songs.
Whatcha Gonna Do
Im in the studio
Making music all night
Pac was just 25 years old and had his whole life ahead of him. He was not suddenly diagnosed with a terminal illness. He was not being faced with a life sentence. The fact that he was planning to establish Makaveli records does not justify his urgency or the vast amount of work that he had done in that short time. If he was an amateur or an undiscovered artiste then it would be reasonable to expect him to record a large number of tracks in the hope that someday he would get a recording contract. But Pac was an already established artist who was riding high at the time.
I doubt if one of the reigning rappers should pass away now, he would leave so many unreleased tracks behind. The Notorious B.I.G who passed away six months after Pacs disappearance, left virtually no recorded material behind. Like B.I.G, who released his only post-humous album 10 years later, Big L, whose only post humous album release, the Big Picture, featured previously released materials from mix tapes, free styles, etc, On the other hand, Pacs post-disappearance materials have never been released before in any form. The number of unreleased material that he left behind exceed that of Notorious BIG, Big Punisher and Big L combined. The estimated value of his unreleased materials was over $100 million.
Prior to his disappearance, Pac explained that his future plans included getting out of the rap scene and releasing high quality, deep albums only, once every 5 years or so. He said that was the way Paul McCartney did it and he wanted to do the same because no other rap artist has done it before.
Pacs intention was to have his music released in a timely fashion over the forthcoming years. This would help to keep his memory alive and ensure his continued dominance of the rap scene.
The Justification for Pacs urgency and for completing so much material in such a short span of time became clear in his self-narrated documentary, the Resurrection. It also reveals his intention to disappear in the near future when he says, when Im gone, youre gonna have these materials to be released. While he delivers that statement, the albums that have been released so far, are showcased.
At the end of the movie, he says I dont have time here I dont have time to lay the hook, you do that after I leave.
The Usual Suspect
One of the prime suspects in the alleged shooting was Orlando Anderson who was beaten by Pac, Death Row Records chief Suge Knight and their bodyguards in the Las Vegas MGM Grand after the Tyson/Seldon fight. Anderson was accused of participating in the beating of a Death Row employee and the stealing a Death Row medallion from him. After he was pointed out Pac went up to him and asked are you from the south? Pac was referring to the South Crips, a rival gang member. Before Anderson could reply, Pac punched him. Suge and the body guards joined him and gave Anderson a proper beating. Hotel security came and broke up the melee but the incident was captured on hotels security camera. The Death Row entourage was allowed to leave the building about 10 minutes later.
First of all, why did Pac instigate the fight? He had no valid reason to take the situation in his own hands. He was not the one who was beaten or robbed of the medallion by Anderson. There were bodyguards there who were being paid to protect them so they could have dealt with the situation. And if he suspected who Anderson was and he wanted to beat him, why ask him questions first? And why did they start the altercation inside the hotel under the watchful eyes of the cameras? He could have waited until Anderson was outside? And if Anderson was a member of a gang, why did none of his friends help him fight Pac and his entourage. He could not have been there alone.
Pac instigated the fight with Anderson because if he was seen in a fight, and then was later shot and killed, people would just conclude that it was retaliation against him. It is known that the Southside Crips gang and the Bloods gang, of which Suge is said to be a member of, have been at war for a long time. This is why Pac asked Anderson if he was from the South. So people were led to believe the fight was between two gang rivals, so his death would be seen as gang related. He ensured that the fight took place in the cameras eyes so that the recording would be made available to the media and the world would therefore see that someone had a motive to kill him on the night.
For no apparent reason, the Death Row entourage stopped by at the Luxor Hotel on the Las Vegas strip after they had left the hotel. During the investigation of Pacs murder, the police tried to discover why but came up with no valid reasons. I think they stopped there to review the fight with Anderson. They might have debated whether it was executed according to plan or whether they had over done it. Apparently, there wasnt much to review so they left shortly afterwards for Suges home.
About 2 hours later, they were on their way to an anti-gang youth event which was to be staged at Suges Club 662. The event was organised by metro police officer. Pac was in the passenger seat of Suges car. They were closely followed by a caravan of luxury cars carrying Deathrow bodyguards, employess and members of Pacs Outlaws. Pac and Suge were listening to his then unreleased The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory. A policeman stopped them because the music was too loud. They talked the officer out of giving them a ticket, even though they were not even displaying proper licence plates.
Strangely, it was minutes after the policeman stopped them that the shooting incident occurred. According to the police and witnesses, at about 11:15pm, a Cadillac with 4 occupants, pulled up alongside Suges car and fired 13 shots in the passenger seat. Pac was reportedly shot 4 times while Suge was grazed by a bullet. The Cadillac sped away and nobody in the entourage gave chase or fired any shots in retaliation. Suge also sped away but instead of going straight ahead towards the nearest hospital. He made a U turn and sped away at high speed.
Frank Alexander stated in his documentary, Before I Wake, that one of the car in Pacs entourage drove off after the assailant but he never heard back from the occupants. Neither was any report of that in the media. Apparently, no one mention it because, it would have given vital clues about what actually happened. Even though someone was reportedly murdered and the assailants had fled in a Cadillac, the police failed to summon a helicopter to track down the car which, not astoundingly, was never found.
Another point of interest is; amidst the heavy flow of traffic after the Tyson bout, how did the so-called assailants establish exactly what car Pac was in and exactly where his car was? There is something fishy about that. Further, the policeman who stopped them appeared to have been a party to the scheme. He had probably stopped them just to ensure that the shooting occurred at the right time and the right place and everything was in order. That is why he allowed them to joke with him and talk him out of giving them a ticket.
After he was robbed and shot in New York Pac became very cautious and took measures to protect himself. On his release from jail in October 1995, he hired bodyguards and made it a habit to wear a bullet-proof vest wherever he goes. Even though Death Row provided him with one, strangely enough, he was not wearing it on the night of the shooting. Before he left his hotel room on the night of the incident, his then girlfriend, Kidada Jones, enquired why he was not wearing his vest. He told her that that it was too hot. Bullshit. He was almost killed less than 2 years before in a shooting incident. Besides, he was involved in a scuffle with an alleged rival gang member earlier that night, so it was possible there could have been a reprisal later. Only 3 days before, he appeared at the New York Video Music Award with two radio and bodyguards as a security measure. So why was he seemingly unconcerned about his safety that night?
If someone wanted to kill him, the person would have aimed at his head because everyone, especially his enemies, knew that he always wore his vest. He was not shot in the head, only in the chest, so if he was wearing his vest, he would not have died.
I invest in a vest and making niggaz watch they every step
This Aint Livin
I watch my back 24/7
And never let a busta send a G to ghetto heaven, you know
This is how it goes when you floss with foes
High Speed
Keep a vest in these hard times, knowing its useless
All Eyes On Me
This criminal lifestyle, equipped with the bullet-proof vest
As The World Turns
From the east to the west, best to wear a vest
Niggaz aiming at my head but I still wear my vest
Pac deliberately did not wear a vest because he wanted people to believe he was killed. If he was known to have worn a vest on the night, then people would be less likely to believe that he actually died. According to him, he used his two way radio to keep in touch with his posse. A correspondent asked him why he needed a two radio.
Well, today every young black man needs to be physically inclined and military minded. And this (his radio) is part of the military mind. The soldiers are out there.
Why didnt he have his two radio on 7th of September 1996. what happened to the military minded approach?
Im not the same guy that have a problem with somebody and whup their ass in front of everybody. Thats why I got the radio. I see a problem, we quelch it. No big fires, just little sparks that can be put out. That shows my growth. Thats brain power. That shows the organization and not just Tupac but Death Row as usual.
Well, three days after Pac made that statement, he whupped Orlandos ass before the entire world. I believe that he was not that same guy, he did that only because it was a part of his overall plan.
Pac further stated that they were businessmen, not animals. Therefore, they would not see someone who was likely to cause trouble and just pounce on them.
Isnt it ironic that only three days after he had made those declarations, Pac and the Death Row entourage were accused of severely beating Orlando, in public view.
It was rather odd that Suge made a U turn and drove away from the nearest hospital. He was quite familiar with Las Vegas because he had lived there for several years, he attended the University of Nevada, played sport there, and he even bought a house there in April 1996. It would appear he drove away from the scene and from the nearest hospital because they had made prior arrangement with the University of Nevada Medical Centre where Pac ended up.
The shots were heard by two patrol officers who were dealing with an unrelated cal at a nearby hotel. They called for backups and two other police came, both of whom followed Suges car. When Suges car finally came to a stop, the two police officers called an ambulance which took them to the hospital. No doubt, that ambulance was waiting for that call.
Only one of the policemen should have followed Suges car, while the other secure the crime scene and gather potential witnesses. That is proper police procedure in circumstances like that. The crime scene was left unsecured for a prolonged period so vital evidence was destroyed by human and vehicular traffic and willing witnesses might have left or became unwilling to cooperate.
I know you might have wondered why Pacs bodyguards did not return fire on the alleged assailants. I have the answer to this question and some other issues right here. Its an excerpt from an interview with Frank Alexander, one of Pacs bodyguards who was in the car immediately behind Pac. It was conducted by HitThemUp.com
HitThemUp.com: I know Pacs welcoming of death must have made your job a lot harder but I want to talk about the night in Vegas. To start off, you said that things were not prepared at all. There was no gun permits and so forth. Can you talk a little about that?
Alexander: um, basically, we had a meeting, a security meeting and were told not to carry any weapons that day or that night. And there was no real reasons .and everybody followed the instructions on that
The bodyguards would not have known about the plot, so if they had gun, they would have fired back. Could that be the reason why they were told not to carry guns?
HitThemUp.com: Suge and Pac went in the same vehicle. The ideal situation for me would be to have my bodyguard beside me. Did it seem odd for Tupac and Suge to ride together?
Alexander: its ironic that you asked that question cause in every single interview Ive done, and Ive done many, its like everyone of you ask that exact question. Word for word. Phrased exactly the way you asked .I was getting in the car with them. I had the back door almost open and Pac reached in his pocket and hand me some keys and said, go drive her car. Go with the Outlawz cause we are gonna be at the club drinking and uh .
Thats a very important question. There is no way they could have allowed Alexander to ride with them; he would have been suspicious when things start to happen. Some people are accusing Suge of killing Pac, but did you notice who told old Alexander to ride in another car? If Suge were the one who turned him away, that would have been the final nail in his coffin.
The Media
It was revealed in Cathy Scotts book the Killing of Tupac Shakur, that the she along with other members of the media were not notified of Pacs death until after his body had left the cemetery. The body had left by a secret exit and no one actually followed the vehicle that carried his body to the mortuary. She said they wanted Pacs body to leave secretly out of respect. Bullshit. This sounds like a conspiracy to me. So there was no one to confirm that he has seen the body and that it actually went to the mortuary. Its uncanny that the van that purportedly transported his body to the mortuary, which was conveniently a mere three blocks away, was not noticed, not even by the media.
The Cremation
Pac reportedly died at 4:03 on the 13th September 1996, yet as early as the following day, he was cremated and his family held private ceremonies. Apart from the fact that Pac had no intention to be cremated, why was it done so speedily, especially considering an investigating into his murder was underway. Besides, Pac was a public figure with literally millions of fans. So why was a private funeral service held with just his family?
The family had private services Saturday and it was the wishes of the family that nothing be done. Its over and done with the family doesnt want us to say anything else, said the spokesperson from Davis Funeral Home.
So the family instructed the Funeral home what to say and what not to say?
We know what Pac would have wanted in the event of his death because he was very vocal about it in his songs:
His Burial?
Hell 4 a hustla
Living carefree till Im buried
If I Die 2nite
..I hope they bury me and send me to my rest
Bury Me A G
Even when I die, they won't worry me
Mama don't cry, bury me a G
White Mans World
Hoping they bury me
With ammunition, weed and shells
Street Fame
Spread love dead thugs
Getting buried in riches
Death Around The Corner
If they bury me, bury me as a G
Life Goes On
Bury me smiling with Gs in my pocket
Until The End Of Time
Buried as a G, while the whole world remembers me
The Funeral
Life Goes On
have a party at my funeral
let every rapper rock it
let tha hoes that I usta know
from way before
kiss me from my head to my toe
give me a paper and a pen
so I can write about my life of sin
a couple bottles of Gin
incase I don't get in
tell all my people i'm a Ridah
Clearly, Pac would have wanted funeral. If he had really died, his family and Death Row would have observed his wishes. Like the cremation and the funeral service, the autopsy done very quickly. He reportedly died at 4;03 on the Friday and the autopsy was done that same evening. Therefore, the autopsy and the cremation were conducted in less than 24 hours. Why the rush? The following should give you some interesting insights on autopsies.
Q: My son was killed in a car accident in January, and the medical examiner's office still hasn't issued its report. We get no response from the ME other than to be patient, that it could take four months or longer -- even a year. I think it's an unconscionable amount of time for family members to wait for closure.
Could Action Line determine what causes such delays?
Name withheld,
A: How long it takes to generate an autopsy report depends on a number of variables, according to Larry Cameron of the Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner's office.
''Sometimes it takes a day or two, sometimes weeks, and in some cases many months,'' Cameron said. ``If it's a homicide, it could be tied up for years. It depends on what testing is requested and whether there's a police investigation.''
Source: The Miami Herald
The autopsy report itself is on a whole very misleading. I will now share with you some very observations by one of Pacs fans; Miss D:
The coroners report .has major discrepancies, especially since filing a false document in court is considered a felony fraud( another reason the alleged death is suspicious). Therefore, how is Tupacs actual height listed as 72 inches (which is 6 feet) and weight as 235 lbs? (when clearly he was much smaller in both height and weight). You can also see a major difference in his biceps, the shoulder area ( clearly seen in the earlier photo while riding in the car with Suge) is Not well defined as it was in the prior photo, nor are the muscles in his arm the same, and neither are his stomach muscles the same. So since when in death does the bodys muscular structure completely disappear? This is odd, as well as the fact that the coroner Dr. Brown has NEVER spoken publicly concerning the autopsy of Tupac in order to verify his findings, nor did he make any public statement either to confirm or to deny the facts stated in the autopsy which is also very curious since Afeni was reportedly present to identify Tupac (seems like she would have reported the incorrect information to the coroners office at some point so that it could be rectified) she should have been given a copy of the coroners report. It is also very strange that there is nearly no blood/fluid spillage anywhere to be seen in this photo. There is only a tiny trickle at the back of the head opening ..which in itself is curious because in autopsies the skull is completely sawed open in order to remove the brain, this photo shows no such damage to the skull, nor any such related fluid from the procedure. Also, if Tupac had been smoking that night as it appeared he had, when then does the coroners report claim there were no substances in his system? Everybody KNOWS he smoked weed, he rapped about it, he was smoking in a few videos, so why hide this fact.
I do take on board Miss Ds observations regarding Pacs weight and height. Pac was not tall and in many of his songs he described himself as a little skinny nigga and as weighing 165 pounds.
Notorious BIGs Funeral
Like Pac, BIG was reportedly shot and killed in a drive by and no arrest has been made in his case. However, there is one fundamental difference between the two cases. Very few people, if any, express any doubts about BIGs murder. This is owing to the fact there were far more transparency in his case than Pacs. First, he had a proper funeral service. His body toured his community in a convoy of stretch limousines and was viewed by literally hundreds of fans who lined the streets to pay their last respect.
At the service, which was attended by 350 invited guests; his casket was opened from the waist up for everyone to view. In Pacs case there was no body for public viewing because that would have uncover the whole plot. People would have noticed there were no gunshot wounds and most importantly, there was no dead body. I mentioned above that Pac had no intention of being cremated, I would like to qualify that by saying he had no intention of being cremated in his actual death. In Black Jesus, he says we die clutching glasses, filled with liquor bomblastic, cremated, last wishes nigga smoke my ashes. It makes perfect sense to request cremation of ones body if the idea is to fake ones death; the presence of a body would have aroused suspicion.
Pac would have wanted his final moments on earth to be viewed and experienced more widely and a far more elaborate fashion: fanfare, lights, cameras, and actions. That is how his life was played out so it would have made sense to end it in a similar fashion. He once said that he liked to have as many people looking as possible. All Eyes on Him in Life, All Eyes on Him in Death. Against this backdrop, I am 99% certain Pac is alive and 99% certain Notorious Big is dead.
The Memorial Service
Death Row had planned that they would keep two-memorial service for Pac in Los Angeles and Atlanta. However, they subsequently cancelled both of them for a very pathetic reason: There was no available site large enough to accommodate the large crowd. If Pac was really dead, he would have been very upset to see his fans being treated in that manner.
The Police
Sargeant Manning, the leading investigator in Pacs murder told press correspondents that the investigators believed they knew what type of gun was used, but he did not elaborate. It was reported earlier that a semi-automatic handgun was used.
But even if a gun was recovered, he went on, we still would have difficulty putting that weapon in the actual shooters possession even with finger print, it wouldnt be useful.
Was that how he inspired confidence?
This is what Sargeant Manning had to say about the progress of the investigation, a year after the incident: Were at a standstill.
Our last great hope was Yafeua Fula, said Manning.
Yafeua was the only willing witness to the shooting. He was reportedly shot to death two months after Pac. It seem like Manning was closing the declaring the case unsolvable because Yafeua was killed. What happened to the so-called investigation? The police had no one to blame but themselves for the fact that he was murdered before he could provide them with information. With an apparent lack of disregard for normal police procedures, they failed to interview him shortly after he told them that he could possibly identify the assailant. They allowed him to leave Las Vegas, after that it became increasingly difficult for them to even make contact with him.
We have a theory as to what happened in the Shakur shooting but we wont elaborate, Lt Peterson said.
The police claimed they knew who the assailants were but without witness cooperation, they would not have a prosecutable case.
To this date, they havent elaborated. When Lt Peterson was asked by a correspondent whether the police had made contact with a potential witness, his remark was, its not any business of the media when we meet these two witnesses.
Well, it was a matter of public and human interest so it was the medias business to find out and announce it to the public.
Insofar as Orlando was concerned, the police didnt consider him to be a suspect. Infact, they interviewed him only once, and might I add, very briefly. According to Sergeant Manning, the police determined that the individual in question could not have possibly followed Shakur because the man was being questioned by MGM security as the Death Row entourage was leaving the hotel?
Orlando was reportedly a member of the South Side Crips so he could have called one of his so-called gang members?
-Although Orlando appeared to have been victimized by Pac and the Death Row entourage, he declined to make an official complaint even when prompted by the police. Not surprisingly, the police themselves failed to file a written report on the fracas. In fact they concluded that the video tape of the incident was not considered evidence so it would not be released to the media. Its ironic that it was the same video tape evidence was used to convict Suge for parole violation.
As far as the investigation is concerned, Cathy Scott made a very important observation when she compared it with the investigation of Bill Cosbys son, Ennis Cosby who was murdered. She noted that there were about 20 policemen and detectives assigned to his case, whereas, in Pacs case, there were only 2 detectives, 1 sergeant and 1 criminologist. Not surprisingly, the man suspected of killing Cosby was caught and went on trial in spring 1998. The reason why so few people were assigned to Pacs case had nothing to with his perceived characteristics. Instead, it is owing to the fact that his case was a fabrication and therefore could be privy to only the chosen few.
Despite the fact that Orlando was properly beaten by Pac, Suge and their entourage he surprisingly, declined to file a complaint against them when requested by the police to do so. Can you believe that? Why should the police even have to persuade him to file such complaint? On his own initiative, he should be the first to declare that that he would like to file a complaint. Under normal circumstances, the victim of a serious assault would be willing to file such complaint against his/her assailants. If he did not know about his rights, which I doubt, he should at least submit the polices persuasion.
On the other hand, if the melee was a mere act, no one could expect him to complain against the other participants.
Not surprisingly, Orlando was initially suspected of being Pacs assailant, so naturally he was questioned by the police. They later discovered that Orlando lied not only about his reason for being in Las Vegas that night but also the role that Suge played in his beating.
Orlando did not reside in Vegas and had no valid reason to be there that night. Believe it or not, he didnt even attend the Tyson/Seldon fight. Yet he told the police that he came to Vegas to watch the fight and he had actually bought his ticket on the night of the fight itself. This was quickly dismissed by the police because it was virtually impossible to purchase tickets for a Tyson on the night of the fight itself. You would have to be King Tut from Egypt or Bill Gates to pull that one off. Orlando was even working at the time. He also told the police that he was in Vegas to gamble which also discounted by the police.
For his participation in the beating of Orlando, Suge who was on parole at the time, was charged with parole violation. He faced a minimum of 9 years in prison if he was found guilty. During the parole proceedings, he told the court that he did not hit Orlando, he was only trying to break up the fight. Orlando, who had previously stated that Suge had punched and kicked him, suddenly changed his story and confirmed Suges account. He saw that Suge was in trouble so he made an attempt to protect him. But why would the victim, once again, try to protect his assailant? Suge was actually seen on a surveillance videotape inside the MGM Hotel administering blows to Anderson. Even a MGM security confirmed that Suge had participated in Orlandos beating.
The truth is that Orlando was not a victim as we were lead to believe. He was a participant in a previously arranged crime scene, so he to tried to protect his partners. Apparently, they had not anticipate, that their act would have lead to trouble for Suge. The fight with Orlando was staged so that when people later heard that Pac was shot, they would simply conclude that Orlando was the prime suspect. They knew that Orlando would not get in trouble for being a prime suspect. Without compelling evidence against him, they could not even arrest him.
If they have so much evidence against me, why dont they arrest me? Orlando had asked a news correspondent.
Besides, if Pacs shooting was an act of reprisal by Orlando for the beating that they had inflicted on him, why wouldnt shoot he Suge was just as involved in the beating as Pac, yet no shot was directed at him. This means therefore, that the plot has a flaw because if people are lead to believe that Pac was shot in retaliation of the beating he and Suge had administer on Orlando, people would have expect Suge to be shot also. They should have reasonably expected people to wonder why only Pac was shot when it was just not him alone who beat Orlando.
It is believed that Detail magazine ran an article which stated that Orlando and his brothers had always wanted to open a studio but was unable to do owing to lack of funds. After the fight on the 7th of September with Pac, Suge and the others, Orlando opened a studio, so speculations were high that he was probably paid for his role in the melee.
Unfortunately, Orlando was himself shot and killed about 2 years after Pac reported death in an unrelated incident. It is believed that he was killed by one of the Southside Crips; his own alleged gang. This suggests that Orlando could not have killed Pac. If he had done so, he would not have lived for two long years. The Notorious BIG, Pacs main rival and who was believed to be one of the prime suspects in Pacs shooting, was shot and killed a mere 6 months after Pacs death. Despite rumours headlines to the contrary, BIG had nothing to do with what happened to Pac on September 7 1996. BIG said he was not that powerful yet and I believe him. If he had shot and killed Pac, he would have done the same to Suge because Suge was feuding with BIGs label, Bad Boys Entertainment.I will not say anything more on the theory that he had a role in Pacs death. Besides, if I am so certain he is still breathing, why should I go on and on about BIG did not kill him? The police concluded that Pac was the target.
Neither Suge nor Orlando had ever publicly admitted to being a member of the Bloods Gangs or the South Side Crips.
Scheme With My Theme
Vibe magazine: do you still keep in touch with old friends?
Pac: On the whole, I dont have any friends. Friends come and go. Ive lost my trust factor.
Pac indicated that he had no friends because he felt he had been cheated, lied to, set up and betrayed by people he once regarded as his friends. Against this backdrop, it is understandable that he would have found it difficult to trust anyone or regard anyone as a friend. However, he did find a friend and a confidante in his Producer, Suge Knight. The two had a special relationship. They were so close that Suge was easily one of the two people whom Pac invested the highest amount of trust in; the next person being his mom, Mrs Afeni Shakur, of course. No one can give a more accurate description of their relationship than Suge himself. After Pacs death, he released a statement to the Los Angeles Times, in which he stated that .me and Pac were joined at the hip.
Interview With Vibe Magazine
Pac: when I was in jail, Suge was the only one who used to see me. Niggaz used to fly a private plane, all the way to New York, and spend time with me. He got his lawyer to look at all my cases. Suge supported me, whatever I needed. When I got out of jail, he had a private plane for me, a limo, five police officers for security. I said I need a house for my mom. I got a house for my moms.
I promised him, Suge, Im gonna make Death Row the biggest label in the whole world .Im gonna take it to the next level.
Suge has stated that Pac wrote the song Never had A Friend Like Me about their friendship because he had once told Pac that your enemies my enemies. I will now share with you a verse of the song.
Im down for you so ride with me
My enemies your enemies
Cuz you aint ever had a friend like me
Nobody knows where well be
My enemies your enemies
Cuz you never had a friend like me
Suge was more than just a friend that Pac reposed a lot of trust and confidence in; he was a father figure to Pac. For his participation in the scuffle with Orlando in the MGM Grand, Suge was taken to court for parole violation. In the preliminary proceedings, when he tried to explain his role in the scuffle, he told the court that he became anxious when Pac darted from his side to join a fight with a rival gang member. He was a little brother to me. He was always my concern, he went on.
Notwithstanding his explanations, he was found guilty and sentenced to 9 years in jail. In his first jail interview with Foxs T Show, Americas Most Wanted, he referred to Pac as his best friend and his little homie.
Thats as deep as it could get.
Vibe: How can we stop this disagreement before someone gets killed?
Vibe was referring to the so-called east coast-west coast beef.
Pac: I dont want it to be about violence. I want it to be about money. I told Suge my idea
Oh, so that was how deep their relationship was.
That was how tight their relationship was. Pac was influential enough to suggest to Suge how he should approach the rivalry between Death Row and Bad Boy Entertainment. Apparently, Pac could suggest any idea to Suge, however ambitious, because he knew that would have done more than just listen.
In light of the foregoing, its highly unlikely that Suge would have had Pac killed as we were lead to believe by Randall Sullivans chronicle, the Labyrinth. His chronicle was based on affidavits, department interviews and reports prepared by a Russel Poole, a detective who was appointed to investigate the murder of one Kevin Gaines. During his investigation, Poole discovered that Gaines led a double life; he worked for Suges Death Row Records and also the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). He later encountered Pacs murder case. In his analysis he explained how Suge arranged to have Pac killed using officers from LAPD. Sullivan asserted that Suge wanted Pac dead because he owed Pac $3 million and he had no intention of paying him.
Pooles bosses were not too pleased with his progress in the investigation and the startling facts that he was unearthing. They started censoring his reports and eventually had him removed from the case. Poole became frustrated because he felt his bosses were hampering his investigation so he eventually resigned from the police force.
Sullivan suggested that Pooles bosses were uncomfortable with Pooles investigation because it uncovered Suges connection with not only street gangs but also with corrupt LAPD officers and they feared more information may be leaked out and start a scandal.
Suge dismissed Pooles allegation that he was responsible for Pacs death as ridiculous and absurd. If you think about it objectively, you might arrive at the same conclusion also. If Suge had arranged Pacs death, would he have risked being killed by putting himself in the firing line? In that drive by, even the most skilful marksman could not guarantee that bullets would not stray and kill Suge also. Gunshots have a mind of their own; therefore, they are likely to stray from the intended target. Apart from that, there is no evidence to support the theory that Suge was responsible for Pacs death. It made a good story but it has no weight so lets toss it out the window. Besides, Suge was aware of Pacs betrayals at the hands of so-called friends before and how much Pac trusted him. So if he had let down Pac, his own conscience would have killed him already. He would have committed suicide while he was incarcerated for parole violation.
Ms D: As far as Suge being involved to the point of plotting Tupacs death, I dont buy it for one major reason, if Suge truly planned the shooting, why would he have put himself directly in the line of fire? There was plenty of opportunity to do it without putting himself in harms way. I mean seriously, do you believe a bullet has a name on it? Hell no! bullets go where they want to go, obviously because of the 13 rounds fired only 5 reportedly hit the intended target, and Suge could have ended up dead or wounded. I mean look at the picture of the two of them riding in the car that night. Suge stood atleast 10 inches from the tiny frame of Tupac. The chances of Suge being hit was huge, even though he was not, which isnt all that amazing when you think about it, because the gunman fired 13 shots and only hit Tupac with 5. Now that seems so incredible to me that a man, the same man, is shot in two unrelated incidents exactly 5 times regardless of the amount of bullets fired added with the fact that Tupac had also been shot in the hand and hip area in the previous shooting as well as the latter shooting. Now what are the odds of that happening? Its greater than the lottery odds, yet and still it allegedly happened .
In his first jail interview with Fox TV, Suge denied killing Pac and stated that it was crazy to speculate that he had anything to do with Pacs shooting.
Well, Suge did play a pivotal role in the reported shooting Pacs but not in the manner asserted by Sullivans Labyrinth. You see, Pac faked his death and Suge was the one who pulled the strings to make it happen. In her book, the killing of Tupac Shakur, Cathy Scott asserted that Tupac could not have faked his death because for that to happen it would have required a conspiracy of epic proportions. The more she makes it sounds impossible, the more possible it seems. But you know what? She is right. Pac would not have been able to pull of a stunt like that, he did not have the power or the connections. However, with Suge in his corner, impossible was nothing.
Suge was the co-founder and Executive for Death Row records, the label that catapulted gangsta rap to the world stage with Dr Dres, the Chronic, Snoop Doggys, Doggy Style and Pacs, All Eyes On Me. Literally millions of young people across the globe was enthralled by its sound and the way of life it projected. In September 1996, the label was at its apex, having grossed more than $100 million in records sales. Suge had money and seemingly endless power. He was the most feared executive in the industry. His labels wealth and power guaranteed him connections in some of the highest offices in the country, both public and private. His connections were not restricted to just LAPD officers. Do you remember that Pac served only eight months out of his sentence of 4/1/2 years for his sexual abuse conviction? He was released from jail in 1995 on a $1.4 million appellate bond which was posted by Suge. Further, a prosecutor was removed from Suges parole violation proceedings after officials suspected that he had ties with Suge. One can only appreciate the full extent of his power by considering how he managed to help Pac to successfully, pull off his stunt, in the eyes of the world.
After the shooting incident, Suge was asked by an ABC correspondent if he would tell the police if he knew who killed Pac. He curtly replied, absolutely not. Suge distaste for snitches is well-known. He felt it was not his job to find out who pull the trigger; that was the polices job. Because he was riding with Pac at the time of the incident, the police thought that he would be able to provide information about the assailants. They were wrong. Infact, Suge did not turn up for questioning until 4 days later. Even then, the police said that he did not offer any new information.
Dont be mistaken about Suges attitude, it was not an act of disloyalty to his little homie Pac. He just could not be bothered because he knew that Pac was somewhere still breathing and smiling.
I will now share with you now an excerpt of an interview that Suge did with MTV in the wake of the shooting. I hope you will find it insightful.
MTV: how are you feeling and how are you doing physically?
Suge: I feel like this..I feel that the last word is always God, but Pac saved my life. Hes my Pac saved my life. I got shot in the head .got grazed some other places, but I still got the bullet in my head. Its still here.
Can you tell me how a dying man who has been shot 4 times save Suge who was merely scratched in the head by a piece of flying glass? There was no confirmation by the police, the media or medical records that Suge was shot.
..before, I was trying to get to the hospital didnt make me realize that I was shot. Because usually, when you get shot in the head, the first thing the person do is panic. You know, Bam! Im shot in the head. Im about to die. And once you do that, you cant drive nowhere.
Well he claimed he was shot in the head yet he was conscious enough to not only drive but to make a U turn and sped away from the nearest hospital.
my whole thing was Pac..he was shot. Im like youre shot. Let me get you to the hospital. Im driving, telling him Im gonna get him to the hospital. Kicked back. Pac looked at me and said, you know what? You need a doctor more than me. You the one shot in your head. And we laughed the whole time finding our way to the hospital.
There were more than one hospital that was around. Have you noticed Suge said let me take you to the hospital. The word The indicates a specific hospital; the one that is a part of the plot. If he did not have a specific hospital on his mind, he would have said let me take you a hospital. Under the circumstances, the only hospital he should have on his mind was the nearest one. We know this one was not on his mind because he sped away from it.
thats the conversation we had. It wasnt Pac was a man the whole time. It wasnt that he was like oooohhh Im shot. He cracking jokes. Hes like, yeah, they shot me. But he said, you shot in your head. Look at your head. You see how much its bleeding. That was Pac, and Im like man, shut up, well get you to the doctor.
Its ironic that Pac saw that Suge who was scratched by a piece of glass, was bleeding but Suge did not even mention that Pac, who was shot 4 times, was bleeding.
MTV: So he was conscious on the way to the hospital?
I guess the correspondent was astonished that a man who was reportedly shot 4 times could engage in such a coherent conversation and was even making jokes though he was badly injured and faced death.
Suge: he was conscious on the way to the hospital he was conscious in the in the labs, he was conscious after he did surgery.
A very strong man I suppose.
MTV: what the last thing he said to you?
Suge: that he loved me. You know, he was going he was getting there. Im like, Pac, youre gonna be the last one left. But we talk this out. We talked it. He said, no Im straight. I love you homie. Im gonna be straight. I love you too. Thats where he was.
Youre right Pac wasnt dying he was on his way to a better place, somewhere in the world. Pac did a song called Last Ones Left, where he asks
Am i wrong, i wanna get it goin on
Last to leave, till i see everybodys gone
The song itself talks about what happened on the night of the shooting incident. Have you noticed that Suge said youre gonna be the last one left? Pac was about to disappear so of course he was going to be the last one left. If he had died that night, his enemies would have survived him. Have you noticed Suge assured him that he would be the last one left? This means that Pacs enemies would die before him.
Suge: Tupac took Death Row to the next level. I mean we worked hard, we laid the foundation down. Snoop took the baton and he ran with it. And he did a great job with it. Tupac got the baton, not only did he win the race, he finish so fast, he able to sit back and drink some Thug Passion in, and come up with another play.
This is very telling. He is saying that Pac had accomplished so much in so little time that he could stop rapping and embarked on a new experience while relaxing and enjoying the fruits of his labour. This is exactly what Pac has been doing since he disappeared.
Suge: my main goal is fulfil Tupacs dreams I feel like that its my job to make sure all Pacs dreams is fulfilled, and he stay alive.
It sounds like Pac had told him what things need to be done after he has disappeared. He also wanted to ensure that Pac stay alive. He could only do that if Tupac was already alive. He could not ensure Pac stay alive if he had died that night. Have you noticed how keen he was about fulfilling Pacs dreams? Why didnt he extend his keenness to Pacs funeral wishes; to have every rapper rap at his funeral, etc. In an interview before his disappearance, Pac explained that Death Row was making a number of his videos at the time because the company had all the money in the world. Therefore, Death Row could afford to earmark a sizable sum as a reward for the capture of Pacs assailants. Again, his apparent failure to do those things was not a deliberate act of betrayal. If Pac had really die, he would have done much more than observing his funeral wishes or offering a reward for his killers.
Suge: on the cover of Makaveli, hes on a cross, you know, shot up, being crucified and you know, its real .Pac got shot on the 7th and thats deep. You know, Jesus on the 7th day. And you know, he went on to a better place on the 13th.
Suge is not just comparing Pac with Jesus, he is also reinforcing the idea that the preponderance of the number 7 and 13 in his works and the circumstances surrounding his purported death, did have significance.
Interview With Fox TV
Suge: I loved Pac then. I love Pac now. He loved me. Thats my little homie, always gonna be that way, you know, and nothings gonna change that.
I love Pac before all of this happened. I love him now. Even what you heard could not change the way we were.
..September 7th is a part of history. Its a sad day. Its an educational day.
How could anyone forget the date when Pac deceived the world into believing that he was shot and died later from his wounds. ,,,,,,,
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