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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Storyx stevepoet312 years 5 months ago
Forum topicWhat posters were on your student walls? tcook1316 years 10 months ago
Forum topicIng-er-land tcook3318 years 6 months ago
Forum not me josiedog518 years 8 months ago
Forum topicHappy Saint Patrick's Day poetjude2318 years 9 months ago
Forum topicI don't know about you lot but.... Anonymous1318 years 9 months ago
Forum topicAttn: Nottingham and Leicester folk tcook118 years 10 months ago
Forum topicBlimey what year is it? flash1719 years 1 month ago
Forum topicGood music, or lackthereof Anonymous3619 years 2 months ago
Forum topicHave a lot of people left, or have they got new names on the forum? flash2519 years 2 months ago

My stories

The starlings over Abbey Park

Autumn. The starlings over Abbey Park pinwheeling, turning the hard sky - splinters of ink, diffusing. Sudden dark shakes and fills the rough-barked, aching trees;


This is a lost art, a skill from the past, like riding a bike or playing tic-tac. I am rejoining the club. Standing here, I remember them, the anonymous men:


He was always there. Gobshite. Loudmouth. At first, you were grateful that someone had said even hello. 5.30 in the morning, the depot filling with tired men in hi-vis clothes,
Gold cherry

Red wine

Red wine at John’s was a laugh and it wasn’t. Tongue-curling sour. His mam bought him twenty fags, a full Showaddywaddy drape in scarlet and gave him twenty quid to blow


The sea is cold and salt and, though we are many, we are always alone. You are too beautiful. It is our curse to find you so, to be drawn to your light, to need you. This is not life,
