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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryDonkey Kong Junior randy-johnson011 years 5 months ago
StoryEverybody deserves a second chance randy-johnson011 years 5 months ago

My stories

There Will Be World Peace

There will be world peace but only when Jesus Christ returns. We will be resurrected whether we are buried in the ground or are ashes in urns...

Spiritual Food

We need spiritual food just as much as physical food. Jehovah can lift your spirits when you're in a bad mood. Just ask him to give you faith and to...

Proof Of God's Name

Some people may not believe that Jehovah is God's name. But just look in a Bible and I'll show proof of what I claim. The Bible tells us that God's...

Each Day That We Have Is Precious

We should thank the Lord Jehovah for the time that we've got. You may live to be a hundred but then again, you may not. I've seen people die at the...

It's A Bad Idea To Beat Up David Banner

I used to be a bully who had really bad manners. I learned that it's a bad idea to beat up David Banner. He turned into the Hulk who was green. It...
