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I have 1181 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 464937 times and 6 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 13 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

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Randy Johnson

My stories

Goodbye Gene Hackman - Part 3

Gene starred as Lex Luthor three times. And he starred in "Behind Enemy Lines". His death was hard for his fans to face. He's gone and he can never...

Rest In Peace, Mom - Part VIII

It was twelve years ago today when I found you dead. I knew you had died because you were lying lifeless on that hospital bed. I bought you a card...

Goodbye Gene Hackman - Part 2

Gene Hackman has died and so has his wife. After ninety-five years, Hackman lost his life. Gene was a legend and he had plenty of fans. Everybody...

My Dog's Revenge

I had my dog neutered and he became unhinged. He can no longer have sex and he wanted revenge. As I was installing my water heater, my dog turned on...

Goodbye Gene Hackman

It's sad when I say that Gene Hackman and his wife have died. Gene starred in three Superman movies and Bonnie and Clyde. In addition to Gene and his...


2 of my comments have received 2 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Excellent poem. Well written.

Posted on Sat, 31 Dec 2022

Excellent poem. Well written. Keep up the good work. Happy New Year.

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Posted in Tickety, tickety, tock,

1 Vote

Good poem.

Posted on Tue, 11 Sep 2018

Good poem.

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Posted in LISTEN TO