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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryAnother Early Winter AtTheBottomOfTheBox211 years 7 months ago
StoryTime and Space AtTheBottomOfTheBox011 years 8 months ago
StoryNotes From the Archbishop AtTheBottomOfTheBox011 years 8 months ago
StoryGrimm AtTheBottomOfTheBox011 years 8 months ago

My stories

Another Early Winter

She'd scurried through the little gate Late in autumn when her tree was bare The taut bark between her teeth The pock beneath her tiny paws Standing defiant and proud

Time and Space

She drunk too many times at The Devil’s Disciple, her music And fire extinguished. So desperate to be a star But could only be herself So settled in the sky, never dying, Never changing

Notes From the Archbishop

They would not allow these eyes to see her burn My youth demanding reticence and tact But from my bedroom window there did turn The scent of lavender to choking ash


It’s not far from the bottom Of your garden but still I will not visit until You tidy up a bit Of space. Once, I was out There in the summer, The leaves all burnt A path towards which