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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryThe Tiger Holly115 years 6 months ago
StoryConversation With My Thirteen-Year-Old Self MistakenMagic915 years 6 months ago

My stories

My Heart.

Beating, Even whilst I'm sleeping, Inside, yours in safe keeping. Thumping, Can you hear my heart jumping? With your love, forever pumping. Drumming, When I hear you coming,

Wanting you.

My skin ignites by your touch, I didn't know I could want so much. The flames burn through my skin, Sinking to my veins - and deeper in. My desperation is increasing,

Your eyes.

A poem about love.

Out Of My Grasp.

It just popped into my head.

My Daughter

Staring at the plus sign, That was showing on the stick, I rushed to get my husband, Nearly twice as quick. I clutched my flat tummy, Within was a tiny life, Trying to adjust,
