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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryLists Lore03 years 9 months ago
StorySilus Lore03 years 9 months ago
StoryNew Beginnings Lore03 years 9 months ago
StoryMemories Lore03 years 9 months ago
StoryBrian Lore13 years 9 months ago
StoryDreaming Lore03 years 9 months ago
StoryLore Lore13 years 9 months ago

My stories

1:2:10 Undulia (Part 3)

The sound of the shattering echoed across the tundra, stirring the snow. Lore and Char sped towards the staging area but out of the corner of their...

1:2:10 Undulia (Part 2)

“Thank you.” Lore waited for Rhu’Anui to take a seat. “The conglomeration has shown that, despite your differences, despite or perhaps because of...

1:2:10 Undulia (Part 1)

Rapping. Ace’s fingers hit the table one at a time in sequence as they waited for Lore to stop pacing and deliver the plan. They checked their tablet...

1:2:9 Sanctuary (Part 3)

“Now isn’t that interesting.” The commander turned from her computer to Ace and Midpoint. “We’ve just had a complete computer failure in the airlock...

1:2:9 Sanctuary (Part 2)

They were led to a building at the base of the transmitter. It loomed above them. While the clones knew that Sanctuary Point was a military...
