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I have 52 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 43445 times and 3 of my stories have been cherry picked.

awsamy's picture
Amy Beviss

My stories

The workings of Sadie Mill's mind

The mind is such a curious place, in the outer limits of the human brain. lays a world unburdened by the mundane realities, that only reason can account for. That untouched place,

The Alien

The moonlight sky shines, beyond where we fear to tread, vastness, it encapsulates the outer limits of the human mind, a dream? an idea? A small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind?

The Human Condition

When did our innocence corrupt, which once distinguished us from the beasts, is the beast not a man made creation, for our manifestations of hate, the fear of the fear itself,

I Have Come To The Borders Of Sleep

I have come to the borders of sleep, in the safety of my bed, I drift into the outer limits of my mind, the restraints of reason have no place here, I can be here, who I dare to be out there,

The Watery Woman

The water opened, into a women who rose up, her gown flowing in the wind, trickling down into the waters surface, holding out her watery hand,
