David Kirtley

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I have 411 stories published in 16 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 269960 times and 18 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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David Kirtley

My stories

Conundrums, Referendums and Anti Semitism

Its a conundrum that we just can't solve. Should we stay or should we go? Will we wreck our economy or lose our rights? Or will we save a hell of a lot of money and give tax cuts to the rich?

European Election Day (23/5/19)

Brexit Brexit Soft and meaningless? Hard and reckless? Racist or Fascist? Why then do Labour support it with the kind of fervour which will never get...

Pontius (Ch.15) : Part 2

Pontius, the Supreme Director of MIOST (Martan Imperial Outer Space Technologies) has left his offices in the HQ to enjoy well deserved relaxation. He goes to the roof to take his flycar, but finds mechanics working there. He cannot resist making himself known. Set in the alternative futuristic world of Marta and Gallanol in the Modern Age.

Tales Of Gallanol : Ch.7 Battle For Morith (Part 2)

As the Army of Elladein ambushes the southern army of Deneldinhew, Jovian of Gorn finds himself threatened from his own side. Set in the early stages of Gallanol's civil war.

Secret Job Description (Modern Jobs)

Job application, what is this application? What does it mean, is it for real? There aren’t many job titles in this day and age that make much sense...
