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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
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My stories

marvin, 54

remember when recent-psycho-in-the brief-spotlight, Texas Gov. Ricky Perry, smiled at the camera in the debate o’ repuglicans & couldn’t remember the 3rd branch of government that he told


mr. hope & change is saddened again, as just a few weeks ago the nation mourned the deaths of those blown away in a movie theater, now a skinhead takes out 6 in a Wisconsin Sikh temple &

southern Atheist belle

never did like the southern accent, no matter how gorgeous the lady was whose mouth it was coming out of--- always had a preference for the NYC toughness or the sophisticated-

affinity for the dead

knew a man who went to cemeteries & he took photos of the gravestones--- while this is most certainly not a unique way of finding serenity, it is one that brings to light

lying to the one you love

they say (whoever the fuck “they” are) that “honesty is the best policy” & presumably, one assumes (though we should never assume, so sayeth the 7th grade math teachers of the world
