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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 455651 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

a hollowing

the bond that had been between them got hollowed out by the stress of taking on too many responsibilities as a young happy couple who thought that for some reason

bad news

came walking into the local watering hole with all seductive prowess of an unspeakable lil’ nothing found deep in the most animalistic sweat of a long saturday afternoon in

and now the policeman picks up his club

uncle sam took a moment to sit down at the diner counter & shove a couple more doughnuts down his gullet, but don’t you worry, now that Kofi Annan has thrown in the towel,

the shush

s/he turns to her/his significant other whilst sitting amidst others at some kind of social function that for all intent & purpose has absolutely no intent or purpose, but to only give

the downside of restraint

though the two held in their extreme horniness, there was no hiding that look in their eyes---that one where the want to tear off the clothes of said hot body was one which brought
