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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 455758 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

just old enough to die

you can find yourself becoming jealous, when faced with the amazing talk of the future of technology, despite the fact that us humans may fry like bacon in a frying pan due to


when we who do not believe, use the name of this fictional character whom you base your own life on “in vain,” as you might tell us after the fact, we will not be shushed.

broken record

the current malicious mouthpiece of the world’s current policeman stands behind her podium & insists to the rest of us that “Russia & China will have to pay”


il ya le risque que lorsque vous avez décidé de passer du temps avec ledit individu qu'il serait un gaspillage de votre propre temps dont vous avez seulement

the anti-zombie housing market

folks, there is a brand spanking new kind of idiot that walks amongst us & no, s/he is not a fucking zombie--- some film mustered creature who erupts from the dead like some
