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I have 179 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 478540 times and 282 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1703 of my 5,454 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1750 votes

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1703 of my comments have received 1750 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

I am not sure. The little

Posted on Sat, 23 Feb 2019

I am not sure. The little girl's grandmother is reported saying she wished they had not named him? If the rest of the family feel that also, maybe their wishes should have been put first?

If the boy who did this wanted notoriety, if there...

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Posted in Isle of Bute.

1 Vote

 Heard the voice clearly in

Posted on Tue, 19 Feb 2019

 Heard the voice clearly in my head - you wrote the accent so well. You have made a voice that sounds real, joking even as the air runs out

"now", like the whole poem was bringing us to this word and no way out of the dark

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Posted in A Conversation in Hester Pit. 16 January 1862

1 Vote

"geniuses? Shiny smug beetles

Posted on Wed, 13 Feb 2019

"geniuses? Shiny smug beetles" YES they were!!! Invulnerable, unsquashable, surviving everything. While I was the worm burying myself in the compost quiet of the library hoping no one would notice and send me squirming outside into all the noise...

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Posted in The Volunteers

1 Vote

that's so clever! It reads

Posted on Tue, 12 Feb 2019

that's so clever! It reads like waves coming in, each one higher than the last, or a time lapse film. I love how the last line in each verse links to each next like cogs fitting perfectly, it emphasises how everything works perfectly one stage...

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Posted in Seasons Connect

1 Vote

The trouble is that the

Posted on Sun, 10 Feb 2019

The trouble is that the driving is destroying lush forests. The more people run away the less there is to escape to. The last verse is so  hopless, a life that started off aiming at the stars can't reach them and becomes debris which brings down...

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Posted in Drivers

1 Vote

Always in awe of those who

Posted on Fri, 08 Feb 2019

Always in awe of those who can make rhyme look so easy, but this poem is about wildlife so it's great for two reasons! And it's as jolly as the flower is. I have read several beautiful dandelion poems on ABC but this is the first with such a...

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Posted in Dandelions

1 Vote

Enjoyed this so much! I think

Posted on Thu, 07 Feb 2019

Enjoyed this so much! I think you must have keen eyes as well as such knowledge, there are layers and layers to what you see that I am unaware of. Waiting at a bus stop here, I saw a buzzard being mobbed by rooks, and often I hear them mewing...

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Posted in Four Raptors

1 Vote

I hope Shirley finds

Posted on Wed, 06 Feb 2019

I hope Shirley finds happiness in your book. At the moment she feels like someone searching up and down a corridor looking  for a door that has been blocked off and papered over. I am very interested to see how you develop the characters who can...

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Posted in An Outing: Part Two

1 Vote

"out of decay and wilting

Posted on Mon, 04 Feb 2019

"out of decay and wilting drabness, dearth" what a description of Winter!

"Surprising growth" is clever as they rise out of the ground

"bright white droplets gleam" is perfect, droplets as they are so small....

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Posted in Snowdrops

1 Vote

Oh Jane! I wish I could have

Posted on Mon, 04 Feb 2019

Oh Jane! I wish I could have read this when I was 12-13. It reminded me so much of how I was. Know now it was OCD. Remember my Mum screaming at methat I should be locked up, the panic attacks when she'd storm in and kick and push things out of...

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Posted in Bedtime Rituals
