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I have 179 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 478540 times and 282 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1703 of my 5,454 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1750 votes

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Di_Hard's picture

1703 of my comments have received 1750 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

This is so funny, but also I

Posted on Mon, 04 Feb 2019

This is so funny, but also I love how you describe everyone, even a few lines makes me feel I'd know them. It's wonderful writing. Also reminded me of our attempts to get coloured telly, then years later, computer.

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Posted in Even the IRA couldn't get us a telephone.

1 Vote

you show how to write making

Posted on Sat, 02 Feb 2019

you show how to write making a pure image, no unecessary stuff cluttering communication, just a feeling of peace and clarity, as though watching the bird with you as it walks along the shore

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Posted in Avocet

1 Vote

I know! He gave my son a long

Posted on Tue, 29 Jan 2019

I know! He gave my son a long lecture but it went in one ear and out the other. Son is more sensible than me on roads, but still don't think I'd be ok with him having anything except a tank. An electric tank, though

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Posted in Brooksy

1 Vote


Posted on Tue, 29 Jan 2019

I liked the description of Brooksy.

Motorbikes are scary. Before we lived together my partner rang me to say he was in the road after crashing his in the rain. His leg was never the same. The person who fixed our windows' hand wouldn't...

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Posted in Brooksy

1 Vote

What a relief to read your

Posted on Mon, 21 Jan 2019

What a relief to read your post! I am always leaving the gas on. I  can't smell very well either so often it's the cats jumping about lets me know something is wrong, and I find the kitchen is all smokey or I've melted something on the...

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Posted in O.C.D.

1 Vote

Richly deserved, it's

Posted on Fri, 18 Jan 2019

Richly deserved, it's BEAUTIFUL, could feel the sweet air and see the colours. Is so interesting how you combine time into it, not just the rhythm of poetry but of your day. They seem sort of like Richard Long sculptures only not so hard....

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Posted in Circle from Craswall 11/1/19

1 Vote

"Many times, I feel ordinary,

Posted on Sun, 06 Jan 2019

"Many times, I feel ordinary, just ordinary, with my many weakness and failures, but in reality, we are all extraordinary, in this Life that we have, there are things that only I can do and the same for You too, what You do, only You can do that...

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Posted in He Got His Name Into The Book!

1 Vote

Those last 3 sentences are so

Posted on Sat, 17 Nov 2018

Those last 3 sentences are so sad. But she IS  still in you, every time you see something you find beautiful, that appreciation was shaped by her. She gave you your sensitivity to see things, feel things, she gave it to you and you will always...

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Posted in Gift: A Son's Story (Blood)

1 Vote

I like how the beach is woven

Posted on Mon, 12 Nov 2018

I like how the beach is woven all through, the people, the seagulls. It's a great frame for the story, it adds to the easy warmth of it

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Posted in Sass (Part 2)

1 Vote

Glad your Mum got to stay at

Posted on Sat, 10 Nov 2018

Glad your Mum got to stay at home. I'm sure your instincts were right. The two care homes I have visted were aweful. The high heels rang a bell. I wonder why they think that looking like they are running a business is...

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Posted in Gift: A Son's Story (Push)
