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I have 174 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
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Gayle Letherby

I love to write. I am a sociologist who publishes mostly in the areas of methodology (including creative ways to present data), reproduction and non/parental identity, meanings and experiences of love, loss and the aftermath of death, solitude and/or loneliness, gender and identity, working and learning in higher education and travel and transport. I  have been writing fiction and memoir for about 14 years and draw on my own experience - both personal and academic - in my work. Other inspriations come from the books I enjoy and the news items that make me cross. 

Gayle Letherby

My stories

The Writing Retreat

‘That there are truths to be found in stories is inarguable. Similarly, there is always an element of interpretation in research, and every written...

‘Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing’

In her book All About Love bell hooks includes a chapter entitled Values: Living By A Love Ethic . She is writing with reference to America but I...

Leaning to skip and other attempts to address the lifespan/healthspan gap

It was 10 years ago this month (February 2013) when my eardrum burst. I was 54 years old. I'd had a cold and my ear began to ache on the way to work...

In a stew

Tallulah, like most turnips, is a rather sensitive soul. Root vegetables in general have an unfair reputation as being somewhat hard, knobbly, and...

Love me, love me not: some alternative Valentine’s Day thoughts

With Nurse Phyllis Crane (Linda Bassett, Call the Midwife ) and Sergeant Catherine Cawood (Sarah Lancashire, Happy Valley ) flying the flag for older...
